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Romeo:Senin dudaklarınla, dudaklarım günahtan arındı. Juliet:Öyleyse şimdi günah dudaklarımda kaldı. Romeo:Öyleyse ver bana günahımı geri


ROMEO :'Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is here,Where Juliet lives, and every cat and dogAnd little mouse, every unworthy thing,Live here in heaven and may look on her,But Romeo may not. More validity,More honorable state, more courtship livesIn carrion flies than Romeo. They may seizeOn the white wonder of dear Juliet’s handAnd steal immortal blessing from her lips,Who even in pure and vestal modesty,Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin.But Romeo may not. He is banishèd.Flies may do this, but I from this must fly.They are free men, but I am banishèd.And sayst thou yet that exile is not death?Hadst thou no poison mixed, no sharp-ground knife,No sudden mean of death, though ne'er so mean,But banishèd to kill me?—Banishèd!O Friar, the damnèd use that word in hell.Howling attends it. How hast thou the heart,Being a divine, a ghostly confessor,A sin-absolver, and my friend professed,To mangle me with that word banishèd?


إن لهذه السعادة العنيفة آخرة عنيفة ،إنها لتموت في أوجها كانار والباروديعتنقان فيحترقان. وإن حلاوة العسللتؤذي حين تزيد عن حدها ،فتقطع الشهوة لكثرة ما تتملقها :وإذن فأحبب هونا ما ، فالحب الطويل يؤثر ذلك ،ويوشك المسرف في العجلة أن يتأخر تأخر المسرف في البطء .


Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles. I have a soul of lead so stakes me to the ground I cannot move.


  Samp. 'Tis all one. I will show myself a tyrant. When I have fought     with the men, I will be cruel with the maids- I will cut off     their heads.   Greg. The heads of the maids?   Samp. Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads.


LADY ANNE:What, do you tremble? Are you all afraid?Alas, I blame you not, for you are mortal,And mortal eyes cannot endure the devil.—


No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but 'tis enough.


Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York;


Că-s însușiri alese-n toate cele. Țărâna-i mama firii și sicriul, Ea face din ce-i mort să nască viul,Și sânul ei îl dă la fiecare, La toți copiii, de-orice soi ce are.Ce felurite sunt în lume toate!O, sunt puteri de viață minunateÎn ierburi, în copaci, în piatră chiar!Din toate câte din pământ răsarNimic nu-i rău să n-aibă-o parte bună,Ci-n rău ce-i bun adesea se răzbună.Când e-abătută calea lui cea dreaptă,Virtutea chiar se poate face viciuȘi viciul poate-a se-nălța prin faptă.E și balsam de leac într-un caliciuGingaș de floare, dar e și otravă;Când o miroși, mireasma e suavă,Dar când o guști, inima nu-ți mai bate.În om, ca și în plantă și în toate,Sunt doi stăpâni mereu în dușmănie:E bunul har, e crunta lăcomie.Și când spre cer mai rău înclină sorții,Atuncea vine negrul vierme al morții...


SECOND MURDERER  Look behind you, my lord. 279 FIRST MURDERER   Take that, and that. (Stabs him.)


إن الخيال تغنيه مادته أكثر مما تغنيه ألفاظه ،وإنه ليزهى بجوهره أكثر مما يزهى بزينته .


QUEEN MARGARET:From forth the kennel of thy womb hath creptA hell-hound that doth hunt us all to death:That dog, that had his teeth before his eyesTo worry lambs and lap their gentle blood,That foul defacer of God's handiwork,That excellent grand tyrant of the earthThat reigns in galled eyes of weeping souls,Thy womb let loose to chase us to our graves.


BENVOLIO: It was. What sadness lengthensRomeo’s hours?ROMEO: Not having that, which, having, makesthem short.BENVOLIO: In love?ROMEO: Out—BENVOLIO: Of love?ROMEO: Out of her favour, where I am in love.BENVOLIO: Alas, that love, so gentle in his view,Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!ROMEO: Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still,Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will!


HENRY, EARL OF RICHMOND:True hope is swift and flies with swallow's wings,Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings.


The which if you with patient ears attend,


I am determinèd to prove a villain,


Cât e de dulce mierea, tot degustăPe-acela ce prea multă miere gustă;De-aceea nu fi lacom, nici prea dornic:Numai atunci norocul e statornic.Târziu acel ce-i prea grăbit s-alergeAjunge ca și cel ce prea-ncet merge.


On thee, the troubler of the poor world's peace! The worm of conscience still be-gnaw thy soul! Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv'st, And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends!


Прошу не торопить.Тот падает, кто мчится во всю прыть.


KING RICHARD III:A horse, a horse! my kingdom for a horse!