Anthem Quotes - Page 3 | Just Great DataBase


But we, Equality 7-2521, are glad to be living. If this is a vice, then we wish no virtue.


Dare not choose in your minds the work you would like to do when you leave the Home of the Students. You shall do what the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you. For the Council of Vocations knows in its great wisdom where you are needed by your brother men, better than you can know it in your unworthy little minds. And if you are not needed by your brother men, there is no reason for you to burden the earth with your bodies.


We do not know why, when we think of them, we feel all of a sudden that the earth is good and that it is not a burden to live.


We shall sleep on moss for many nights, till the beasts of the body come to tear our body. We have no bed now, save the moss,and no future, save the beasts.


Our name is Equality 7-2521, as it is written on the iron bracelet which all men wear on their left wrists with their names upon it. We are twenty-one years old. We are six feet tall, and this is a burden, for there are not many men who are six feet tall.


This is a great sin, to be born with a head which is too quick. It is not good to be different from our brothers, but it is evil to be superior to them.


This box is useless," said Alliance 6-7349.Should it be what they claim of it," said Harmony 9-2642, "then it would bring ruin to the Department of Candles.


We are one in all and all in one.      There are no men but only the great WE,      One, indivisible and forever."—


Many days passed before we could speak to the Golden One again. But then came the day when the sky turned white, as if the sun had burst and spread its flame in the air, and the fields lay still without breath, and the dust of the road was white in the glow. So the women of the field were weary, and they tarried over their work, and they were far from the road when we came. But the Golden One stood alone at the hedge, waiting. We stopped and we saw that their eyes, so hard and scornful to the world, were looking at us as if they would obey any word we might speak.


Such would have been our life, had we not committed our crime which changed all things for us. And it was our curse which drove us to our crime.


The laws say that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid them so. May we be forgiven!


We have followed you," they said, "and we shall follow you wherever you go. If danger threatens you, we shall face it also. If it be death, we shall die with you. You are damned, and we wish to share your damnation.


We fell, but we never let the box fall from our hands. Then we ran. We ran blindly, and men and houses streaked past us in a torrent without shape.


Today, we could only look and try to believe the sight of our eyes. We pulled the heavy curtains from the windows and we saw that the rooms were small, and we thought that not more than twelve men could have lived here. We thought it strange that men had been permitted to build a house for only twelve.Never had we seen rooms so full of light. The sunrays danced upon colors, colors, more colors than we thought possible, we who had seen no houses save the white ones, the brown ones and the grey. There were great pieces of glass on the walls, but it was not glass, for when we looked upon it we saw our own bodies and all the things behind us, as on the face of a lake. There were strange things which we had never seen and the use of which we do not know.


No hay nada que pueda arrebatar a un hombre su libertad, salvo otros hombres.


And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: "I.


Many words have been granted me, and some are wise, and some are false, but only three are holy: I will it!


It is my mind which thinks, and the judgement of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. It is my will which chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect.


men would not follow us, for they never enter the Uncharted Forest. We had nothing to fear from them. The forest disposes of its own victims. This gave us no fear either. Only we wished to be away, away from the City and from the air that touches upon the air of the City. So we walked on, our box in our arms, our heart empty. We are doomed. Whatever days are left to us, we shall spend them alone. And we have heard of the corruption to be found in solitude. We have torn ourselves from the truth which is our brother men, and there is no road back for us, and no redemption. We know these things, but we do not care. We care for nothing on earth. We are tired. Only the glass box in our arms is like a living heart that gives us strength. We have lied to ourselves. We have not built this box for the good of our brothers. We built it for its own sake. It is above all our brothers to us, and its truth above their truth. Why wonder about this? We have not many days to live. We are walking to the fangs awaiting us somewhere among the great, silent trees. There is not a thing behind us to regret. Then a


I wish I had the power to tell them that the despair of their hearts was not to be final, and their night was not without hope. For the battle they lost can never be lost. For that which they died to save can never perish. Through all the darkness, through all the shame of which men are capable, the spirit of man will remain alive on this earth. It may sleep, but it will awaken. It may wear chains, but it will break through. And man will go on.


It has been a day of wonder, this, our first day in the forest.


So long as a road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!


We cannot stop now, even though it frightens us that we are alone in our knowledge.


Ние, Равенство 7–2521, не бяхме щастлив през годините, прекарани в Дома на Учениците. Не защото ни беше трудно да учим. Точно обратното — защото ни беше твърде лесно. Да се родиш с пъргав ум е голям грях. Не е добре да се различаваш от своите братя, но да ги превъзхождаш, е истинско зло. Така казваха учителите и ни гледаха намръщено.


Ние бяхме добър Уличен Метач и приличахме на всички свои братя Улични Метачи. Различавахме се само по едно — проклетото ни желание да знаем. Вечер гледахме звездите прекалено дълго, гледахме дърветата и земята. А като чистехме двора в Дома на Учените, събирахме стъклениците, парчетата метал и изсушените кости, които те изхвърляха. Искаше ни се да задържим тези неща и да ги изследваме, но нямаше къде да ги скрием. И затова ги носехме на Градското Сметище. Но един ден направихме откритие.


Изведнъж осъзнахме, че това място е останало от Времената, За Които Не Бива Да Се Говори. Значи беше истина — тези времена бяха съществували, както и всички техни чудеса. Преди десетки стотици години хората са знаели тайни, които ние сме изгубили. И тогава си помислихме: „Това място е лошо. Проклети са онези, които докоснат неща от Времената, За Които Не Бива Да Се Говори. Но докато влизахме, ръката ни следваше релсата, вкопчена в желязото, сякаш не искаше да го пусне, сякаш кожата беше жадна и молеше метала да прелее в нея от тайната течност, пулсираща в студеното му тяло.


I am. I think. I will.... What must I say besides? These are the words. This is the answer.


So long as road lies before us, and what care we if we must travel it alone!


A través de toda la oscuridad, a través de toda la vergüenza de que son capaces los hombres, el espíritu del hombre permanecerá vivo en esta tierra.


What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me?


It is forbidden, not to be happy. For, as it has been explained to us, men are free and the earth belongs to them; and all things on earth belong to all men; and the will of all men together is good for all; and so all men must be happy. Yet


La palabra «Nosotros» es como cal derramada sobre los hombres, que los solidifica y endurece hasta hacerlos de piedra, y que aplasta todo bajo ella, y aquello que es blanco y aquello que es negro se pierden igualmente en su gris. Es la palabra mediante la cual los depravados roban la virtud de los buenos, mediante la cual los débiles roban el vigor de los fuertes, mediante la cual los necios roban la sabiduría de los sabios.


What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and the impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree, and to obey?


Si usted quiere propagar una idea ultrajantemente malvada (basada en doctrinas tradicionalmente aceptadas), su conclusión debe ser desvergonzadamente clara, pero su prueba ininteligible.     AYN RAND


We are doomed Whatever days are left to us, we shall spend them alone. And we have heard of the corruption of solitude. We have torn ourselves from the truth which is our brother men, and there is no road back for us. and no redemption.We know these things, but we do not care. We care for nothing on earth. We are tired.


Приемете факта, че постигането на вашето щастие е единствената морална цел на вашия живот и, че в щастието, а не в болката или безумното самоугаждане, е доказателството за вашия морал, тъй като то е доказателство и резултат от вашата последователност в осъществяването на вашите идеали.''Атлас изправи рамене


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E para ganhar meu amor, meus irmãos devem fazer mais que meramente ter nascido.