Anthem characters

The main protagonist is a handsome and intelligent explorer who defies the conventions of his time and advocates against the philosophy of collectivism. His name, Equality, is quite ironic as he demonstrates the superiority of a separate human intellect over the unthinking majority which...
Her first name given by the state is Liberty 5-3000. Living outside the City and working on fields, she differs tremendously from other peasants. Her unusual beauty and exceptional pride make her stand out from the mass. This and her vivid mind attract Equality 7-2521 – she gives her a new...
The Transgressor of the Unspeakable Word
One of the first characters to trigger personal changes of the main protagonist. This is a martyr for egoism and individualism who has to die in the name of his beliefs. Called the Saint of the Pyre, he is condemned to death by the authority for using the unspeakable and forbidden word – I...
The only true friend of Prometeus, International 4-8818 is an average obedient citizen of the City. Not knowing that life can be different, he follows all the rules but deep inside seeks to realize his own value. Always cheerful and vivacious, he demonstrates the positive attitude towards life...
As can be deduced from his name, he stands for every typical member of numerous councils. The oldest member of the World Council of Scholars, Collective 0-0009 is considered to be the most “knowledgeable” man in the City. He is the mastermind behind the ideology of collectivism and...