7 Common Tax Problems To Avoid

When the time comes for paying taxes, for many people this is a big enough problem, cause the process requires attentiveness and takes a lot of time. Inattention and haste can lead to big problems. We suggest that you consider common mistakes that can be made when paying. Everyone can learn from the mistakes of previous people and protect themselves from committing the same actions. We begin our lesson called "life difficulties, or how to avoid problems with taxes".

Types of Popular Mistakes

1. Appeal to an Unconfirmed Person in a Registration of Taxes

When you are going to the unknown "specialist", he may not be a professional at all, which in the end will cost you a lot of money.

It is important to remember that:

  • The person to whom you trust your documents should have a good experience in this matter.
  • Consult with your friends; find out who they are cooperating with.
  • Don't give in to shares and discounts on services, prices on which are unreal low.
  • If something causes you suspicion, contact a lawyer, and tell him about your suspicions.

2. Submission of Taxes at the Last Minute

When you postpone the surrender of documentation and begin to do everything in the last moment, this is becoming a big problem. Stress, mistakes usually accompany the hasty documentation.

  • Don’t put off filling out forms for the mythical "tomorrow", do everything today and sleep with peace of mind.

3. Partial Filling of Tax Forms

With the complexities of paying all taxes at one time, everyone can face, but filling out that form is mandatory, to avoid even greater amounts of fines.


  • Draw up a schedule for making payments (the Installation Agreement Request form). With its help, payments can be made gradually, taking into minimum penalties, percent’s, which are much less than those imposed when the tax form is overdue.
  • Extend the timeframe for submitting information (use Application for Automatic Extension)

4. Incorrect Calculation and Typing Errors

Filling out tax papers you need to be extremely careful. Before you click on the "send" button, check each digit you entered, it is advisable to do this several times.

5. Filling in Data "from Memory"

Not all people stopped when they feel doubt while filling out their data. They continue to fill in information that they knowingly misread (insurance, code numbers, etc.), which ultimately leads to a delay in the processing of the application, delayed repayment.

Important to remember:

  • Check all the figures that you entered in the form (bank account, social security number, etc.).
  • Set a correct date and leave your signature in a designated place.
  • Choose the right group that you belong to (marry, alone, etc.).
  • Be careful with the form you fill out, pay attention to its name and purpose (1040, 1040EZ or W2).

6. Destruction of Copies of Tax Refunds

There are many controversial points that require confirmation from the payer. If you discard all past payments, you risk losing your confirmation of the operation, if there is a problem or loss of documentation in the electronic system. Copies of declarations can be useful in correcting errors by specialists and become a paper confirmation of your words.

7. Payment of Taxes in Advance

In the case of payment of a certain amount in advance, the payer loses the chance to save cash, cause some expenses are not subject to taxation.

This list includes:

  • Medical procedures and expenses for them (dentist, therapist).
  • Donations to the charitable foundation.

Knowing this, you have the opportunity to indicate such costs and return money that was withdrawn upon payment.