Major Types of Zoning Classifications

In today's world of premises, the notion of zoning meets common enough. Knowledgeable persons understand by it the process of planning the use of specific land plots located in the territory of a certain locality by companies or individuals for private interests.

Laws prescribe restrictions on building codes. These include the height of edifices, the availability of open space, spaciousness, as well as the type and purpose of the commerce. Such permits are designed not only to improve the quality of life but also to protect the health of citizens by eliminating undesirable “neighborhood”.

5 Types of Zoning in the US

Knowing the location of an object will aid you to avoid conflicts and provide comprehensive information about the problems you may encounter. It should be noted that the principles of zoning provide for an existence of subcategories. The latter are indicated by the corresponding coding and characterizes the inhabitants of the chosen region. Let us consider in detail the next kinds of zoning:

1. Residential

Such a place is intended for the construction of individual family houses. These can be single-storey buildings, cooperatives or tenements with convenient parking and green spaces. Akin objects, as a rule, are denoted by the abbreviation SFR or SH. Although, perhaps, another name.

If you are planning to locate your office in this district, you should immediately reject the intention to apply it for financial purposes. A residential area can also cover such issues as the placement of mobile residences or the permitted number of similar edifices.

In addition, you may face bans on a certain type of animal. Under the regulation, traditional pets like cats, dogs, parrots are not included. But if you decide to purchase a horse or a llama, it is not superfluous to be convinced of the legality of your desire. A lot of orders unequivocally forbid keeping large livestock in family blocks, while some regulations only indicate their size and quantity per owner.

2. Commercial

The mentioned space covers business locations, hotels, ordinary shops, as well as lots located near them. I.e. we are talking about almost everything that brings profit. Frequently, the type of activity depends on the nature of the businessman. Here you may safely expand your own business and not be afraid of accusations from disgruntled citizens.

The presence of parking can also affect the sort of zoning. Besides, there are rules that define permitted activities near other facilities. Some laws even prohibit recreational joints for adults in a certain geographical district. Restrictions may apply to schools and religious institutions.

3. Industrial

The indicated type involves conducting production operations and equipping warehouses. In this place it is customary to see noisy plants, smoking from morning until evening. True, you must remember the observance of ecological laws aimed at protecting the environment.

The construction of industrial facilities often depends on the land area allocated for the declared project, as the height of a building. By the way, airports have their own code designation. Requirements for reserving places for such deeds should be taken into account in advance.

4. Historic

A similar quarter is used for houses of value to descendants. Most of them are labeled “sights”. This status is assigned to them by the National Register of Historic Places, which coordinating any efforts for identification and evaluation historical and archaeological resources. In their list, it may be founded structures and areas that can boast a colossal significance for American culture.

If you are to develop a business here, be prepared to adhere to requests for design, color and other criteria for the edifice’s decor. But owners of such residences may claim a 20% investment tax credit for the purpose of rehabilitating certified income. Similar benefits are also affordable for charitable foundations investing in the restoration of historically important monuments.

5. Agricultural

Akin zoning is aimed at maintaining an economic prosperity of a particular industry or enterprise. Laws limit the density of development, frankly ignoring other enterprises. As a rule, this is achieved by establishing the minimum size of an area for the residential structure.

Figures can vary depending on the type of activity and geographic features. This kind of zoning helps protect farms from fragmentation through the appearance of family homes. Some states use similar zoning to promote motivational programs, subsidies, and other benefits.


The mentioned species regulate the use of land by farmers or large households, not allowing the presence of enterprises of a different profile. It assumes the availability of adequate premises for cattle and overall equipment designed to handle the lot.

But remember that zoning is not limited to the established classification, assuming other aspects. For instance, you may encounter requirements for the location, spelling out the distance to the nearest pavement. Consider the place of utilities, piping systems, and sewage.

Local authorities in some cities prohibit fabrication of buildings above the established rate. So, in Washington, you will not find an edifice towering over the Capitol. However, this limit may be adjusted over time. Think about the context of goal-setting for your project.

Zoning and a Business

Zoning laws are written to support original holders of land and other property. Homeowners do not want to see near their ugly mansions or deal with riots about the construction of an unwanted factory.

Companies are obliged to know about the peculiarities of zoning in a specific locality. You may be prohibited from doing business at home if you are in a residential area or your customers are unsuitable for city authorities. Therefore, before turning your apartment into an office, double-check the type of business in a certain district. Perhaps you should get a special permit that gives you freedom of action. Such a procedure, as a rule, includes the filing of an application with an indication of the reasons, checking your state of affairs by the supervisory board and formulating a resolution. Most likely, you will need to enlist the support of residents.

Numerous laws forbid a certain type of business activity. Agree, regular customers, meetings with partners, problems with parking and delivery of goods, luminous signs – all this creates unnecessary chaos and prevents comfortable spending free time. Nevertheless, some officials come towards, indicating working hours and requiring the opening of a separate parking or additional entrances.

Zone Classification

In fact, different zoning codes can be joined with another to form a combined zone. In this way, unique communities are established. Therefore, be especially careful, studying letters and numbers. Do not forget to coordinate the selected location and type of enterprise. All data may be found in the public domain on the Internet.

A new trend represents an aesthetic zoning, gaining popularity among high-caliber citizens. Its requirements relate to color solutions, the nature of gardening, the presence of mailboxes and fences adjusted form, the establishment of solar panels and satellite dishes. Sometimes you can meet the standards associated with marble columns or garden sculptures.

Aesthetic standards are consistent with an architectural committee. The latter has the right to approve or modify the submitted construction plan. Wireless communication is also subject to control.

Thus, the types of zoning quite clearly define the permitted sorts of activity. A lot of individuals perceive such prohibitions as a flagrant violation of their rights. But the laws come into force only in the presence of conflict and aim not so much to oppress business purposes as to support the balance between job and everyday life.