Antigone characters
Teiresias is a blind harbinger. He makes Creon abolish the verdict of Antigone, as he sees an inevitable disaster if he will not release a girl. When Creon insults Teiresias, the seer prophesies that the gods will punish Creon for Antigone's death by taking the life of his child. Teiresias...
Creon is the new ruler of Thebes. King Creon is ready to apply the cruelest laws. Any resistance to his order he considers as anti-state action. Creon recognizes only complete submission to the ruler, even in the case when he is mistaken. He forbade to betray the body of the warrior Eteocles back...

The main feature of her character is the strength of the will that she manifests in the fight with Creon for the right to bury her brother in the established rite. She honors the ancient law of the tribal society. She does not doubt the correctness of the decision. Feeling true, Antigone boldly...

Ismene is the daughter of Oedipus. In Sophocles “Antigone,” timid Ismena is opposed to her fearless sister: she did not find the strength to follow her father into exile, and she did not dare to violate the prohibition of King Creon to bury Polynicus. When Creon condemned Antigone to...
The Chorus does not play any significant role in the "Antigone"; chorus songs, but does not detach from the course of action, and are more or less adjacent to the situations of the drama. Especially interesting is the first stasim, in which the strength and ingenuity of the human mind...