To Kill a Mockingbird Summary

What about Reading “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

Harper Lee began writing “To Kill a Mockingbird” in the mid-1950s when she moved to New York to become a writer. She published it in 1960 on the eve of the American movement for civil rights. Although she finished her writing in 1957.

To Kill a Mockingbird Plot

Jean Finch lives with his father and brother in a small town in the South of America. Her father works as a lawyer, who in the plot of the book struggles with all his might for the triumph of justice. He defends the rights and defends the innocence of the defendant who is accused of rape, even when all circumstances are against them. All events unfold in the 1930s, just during the period of the most severe racial discrimination and unstable social condition in the country. A defendant is a black man, and that is precisely why he is guilty. The enemy of the family - a neighbor, nicknamed the “Boo” is not so bad as it might seem at first glance. Although he was not recognized by society, he rushed without hesitation to help the two children, which, of course, deserves respect! In addition to unfolding events, the book shows the life of the South American state in all its vivid color.

The Main Characters

Jean-Louise (Scout): The whole story comes from the youngest daughter Atticus Jean Luisa, who, on the one hand, is too small to understand serious things, and on the other, is not old enough to learn the tricks that adults use all their lives. She is 8 years old.

Jem: Brother Scout and companion at the beginning of the story. Jeremy Atticus "Jem" Finch is a typical American boy, refusing to fall and fantasy about football. He is older than Scout for four years. He is 12 years old. He gradually separates from games with his sister, but he remains her close companion and protector throughout the novel. During history, his ideals of life are exposed to the evil and injustice that he perceives during the trial of Tom Robinson.

Atticus Finch: The father of the scout and Jam, a lawyer in Maycomb. Atticus is a widower and brings up two children himself. He instilled in his children a strong sense of morality and justice. He is one of the few residents of Maycomb committed to racial equality. When he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman, he exposes himself and his family to the wrath of the white community. With his determined convictions, wisdom, and compassion, Attic acts as the moral backbone of the novel. He is 50 years old.

Arthur “Boo” Radle: This character never steps outside his home. He is considered a hermit. Bu is a powerful symbol of kindness, wrapped in an original coverlet of tranquility, leaving little gifts to Scout and Jem and appearing at the right time to save the children. An intelligent child, emotionally damaged by his cruel father, Bu is an example of the threat that evil places on innocence and kindness. He is one of the "mockingbirds" of the novel, "a good man who suffered from the evil of mankind."

The Analysis and Context of the “To Kill a Mockingbird”

The book was published in 1960, the book was defined as educational. It is studied by the school curriculum in the schools of America and has been loved for several generations. Finch expresses his method of education so: if he does not take on the cause of Tom, knowing for sure about the false accusation, he will not be able to demand obedience from his children. An example of a father is a standard that children trust him because he has an impeccable reputation. He explains everything to them, teaches them to think and feel compassion for people. Therefore, children love it and appreciate their parent. This is an example for many educators. Readers can observe how children make the transition from innocence to maturity throughout the entire novel. Jam changes faster because he is older, but nevertheless they both go through it. That's why this novel is studied in school. This novel is considered educative because of two main ideas. It contains at least two more postulates: All people are equal to each other. To bring up good people, set a good example for yourself.

The Meaning of Symbolic

Mockingbird carries a large symbolic weight in the book but has very little literary connection with the plot. In this story about innocent people, destroyed by evil, the "Mockingbird" is the idea of innocence. To Kill a Mockingbird means to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, several characters can be identified as mocking-innocent people who were struck by evil.

The Main Idea of the “To Kill a Mockingbird”

The main theme of the book is social prejudice and its harmful consequences. History explains all kinds of social precedents, most dramatically in the form of racism with the test of Tom Robinson. However, racism is only one aspect of the problem. It is shown that Prejudice is widespread and widespread, of course, in the close, conservative little town of Maycomb. Society in this city is rigidly divided along the lines of race, class, and sex. The blackout of blacks - segregation, prudence and regarded as a fair game for abuses and accusations - is obvious. There are only a few enlightened people, such as Attic, who are able and want to see the color of a person.

What Was the Criticism of This Novel?

The opinions of critics "To Kill a Mockingbird" were mixed. Some believed that the narrative voice of a nine-year-old girl was unconvincing and called the novel excessively moralistic. In spite of this, in the racially charged atmosphere of the early 1960s, the book became a huge national success, winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and selling over fifteen million copies. Two years after the publication of the book, a film director's novel was given, which won an Oscar. The author herself refused to write a screenplay for the film and published only a few short works after 1961. To Kill a Mockingbird remains her only published novel.

Topics Ideas for “To Kill a Mockingbird” Essay

If you are a student, you must have encountered Harper Lee and her famous “To Kill a Mockingbird” novel. You need not only to read it, but also to feel this novel. If you need some ideas for possible topics for your essay, then you can find them right here!

  • Analyze how the author relates to Bu Radli. Discuss what role does he play in the novel?
  • Describe the Maycomb city. What can you say about its importance in the story?
  • What impression do you have about the style of Attic parenting? How does he relate to children and on what are his methods of upbringing based?
  • The Scout and Jam mature as individuals throughout the novel. Analyze how and what influenced their development.
  • Discuss what the role of the family is in “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Analyze the meaning of family for children.
  • Describe what the mockingbird is. What does this bird symbolize in the novel?