John Steinbeck Quotes - Page 48 | Just Great DataBase

The law was designed to save, not to destroy.


They’ll change the face of the countryside. They get their clatter into everything, the postmaster went on. We even feel it here. Man used to come for his mail once a week. Now he comes every day, sometimes twice a day. He just can’t wait for his damn catalogue. Running around. Always running around. He was so violent in his dislike that Adam knew he hadn’t bought a Ford yet. It was a kind of jealousy coming out. I wouldn’t have one around, the postmaster said, and this meant that his wife was at him to buy one. It was the women who put the pressure on. Social status was involved.


Maybe we all have in us a secret pond where evil and ugly things germinate and grow strong.


You come back a changed man. Samuel, you don’t change him. He changes you. I can see the look of him in your face. Have you thought of the two little boys, Liza? he asked. I’ve thought of your


Catherine was clever, but even a clever woman misses some of the strange corridors in a man.


in him kindness and conscience are so large that they are almost faults.


You can boast about anything if it’s all you have. Maybe the less you have, the more you are required to boast.


He was forever inventing a new way of doing an old thing and doing it better and quicker, but he never in his whole life had any talent for making money.


The lore has not died out of the world, and you will still find people who believe that soup will cure any hurt or illness and is no bad thing to have for the funeral either.


Caleb and Aaron—now you are people and you have joined the fraternity and you have the right to be damned.


the whisky muttered in his ears.


A blanket of herring clouds was rolling in from the east.


Adam fluttered like a bewildered bee confused by too many flowers.


Кърли е като повечето дребни хора - ненавижда едрите. Непрекъснато се подкача с тях. Яд го е, види се, на тях, защото не е едър.


Can you think that whatever made us—would stop trying?


Не е нужно човек да е много умен, за да е добър. Дори ми се струва, че е точно обратното. Вземи някой много умен и ще видиш, че едва ли е добър.


think you’ve got knocker fever. Come in to the inn tonight and get it cured up. Maybe that’s it, said Adam. But I never took much satisfaction in a whore. It’s all the same, Charles said. You shut your eyes and you can’t tell the difference.


Never did seem right to me. S'pose Curley jumps a big guy an' licks him. Ever'body says what a game guy Curley is. And s'pose he does the same thing and gets licked. Then ever'body says the big guy oughtta pick somebody his own size, and maybe they gang up on the big guy. Seems like Curley ain't givin' nobody a chance.


Timshel- thou mayest.


I wondered why it is that some people are less affected and torn by the verities of life and death than others.