The Catcher in the Rye Quotes - Page 10 | Just Great DataBase


أنا لست مغرما بمشاهدة المرضى.


Bir insan öldü diye onu sevmekten vazgeçmek zorunda mısın, Tanrı aşkına; özellikle de, hayatta olanlardan bin kez daha iyi kalpli bir insansa?


She gave me the big freeze when I said hello that day, though. I had a helluva time convincing her that I didn't give a good goddam where her dog relieved himself. He could do it in the living room, for all I cared.


Imelik, et just ilusad poisid või jälle need, kes end ise elukullideks peavad, paluvad alati teisi endale mõnd suurt teenet osutada. Kuna nad on endast nii koledasti sisse võetud, arvavad nad, et ka teised on nendest sisse võetud ja et sa muud ei igatsegi, kui ainult nendele teeneid teha.


Hay personas a las que no se debe tomar el pelo, aunque se lo merezcan.


Bir kitabı okuyup bitirdiğiniz zaman, bunu yazan keşke çok yakın bir arkadaşım olsaydı da, canım her istediğimde onu telefonla arayıp konuşabilseydim diyorsanız, o kitap bence gerçekten iyidir.""Bir şeyi çok iyi yapıyorsanız, bir süre sonra, dikkatli olmazsanız gösteriş yapmaya başlıyorsunuz. Ve sonunda da iyi olmaktan çıkıyor yaptığınız.""Olgunlaşmamış insanın özelliği, bir dava uğruna soylu bir biçimde ölmek istemesidir, olgun insanın özelliği ise bir dava uğruna gösterişsiz bir biçimde yaşamak istemesidir.""Sakın kimseye bir şey anlatmayın. Herkesi özlemeye başlıyorsunuz sonra.


See on teine asi, mis mul piste ahtrisse torkab. Nimelt see, kui sa oskad hästi kirjandit kirjutada, sulle aga hakatakse komadest rääkima. Stradlater tegi seda alati. Et sa mõtleksid, et ainsaks põhjuseks, miks tema kehvasti kirjandeid kirjutab, on see, et ta pistab kõik komad valesse kohta.


La vida es una partida y hay que vivirla de acuerdo con las reglas del juego


Non faccio che dire «piacere d'averla conosciuta» a gente che non ho affatto piacere d'aver conosciuta. Ma se volete sopravvivere, bisogna che diciate queste cose.


You should've heard the crowd, though, when he was finished. You would've puked. They went mad. They were exactly the same morons that laugh like hyenas in the movies at stuff that isn't funny. I swear to God, if I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it. I wouldn't even want them to clap for me. People always clap for the wrong things. If I were a piano player, I'd play in the goddam closet.


Me paso el día entero diciendo que estoy encantado de haber conocido a personas que me importan un comino. Pero supongo que si uno quiere seguir viviendo, tiene que decir tonterías de esas.


الجنس شيء لا أستطيع فهمه.


If you were only around six years old, you could get liquor at Ernie's, the place was so dark and all, and besides, nobody cared how old you were. You could even be a dope fiend and nobody'd care.


Encantadora. Si hay una palabra que odio, es ésa. Suena de lo más hipócrita.


What he was doing, he was giving her a feel under the table, and at the same time telling her about some guy in his dorm that had eaten a whole bottle of aspirin and nearly committed suicide. His date kept saying to him, "How horrible...Don't, darling. Please, don't. Not here." Imagine giving somebody a feel and telling them about a guy committing suicide at the same time! They killed me.


Me gusta mucho tomar el pelo a una chica cuando se presenta la oportunidad, pero es una cosa curiosa. A las que más me gustan, nunca me apetece mucho tomarles el pelo. A veces me parece que a ellas les gustaría que les tomase el pelo —de hecho que les gustaría—, pero es difícil empezar una vez que las conoces desde hace mucho tiempo y nunca les has tomado el pelo.


Then she introduced me to the Navy guy. His name was Commander Blop or something. He was one of those guys that think they're being a pansy if they don't break around forty of your fingers when they shake hands with you.


-¿Te has hartado alguna vez de todo? -le dije-. ¿Has pensado alguna vez que a menos que hicieras algo en seguida el mundo se te venía encima?


إن الكتب التي تثير اهتمامي بالفعل هي تلك التي عندما أنتهي من قراءتها أرغب في أن يكون المؤلف صديقًأ عزيزًا لي وأستطيع أن أخابره بالتليفون في أي وقت شئت.


It was the last game of the year, and you were supposed to commit suicide or something if old Pencey didn't win.


What I liked about her, she didn't give you a lot of horse manure about what a great guy her father was. She probably knew what a phony slob he was.


If you want to know the truth, the guy I like best in the Bible, next to Jesus, was that lunatic and all, that lived in the tombs and kept cutting himself with stones. I like him ten times as much as the Disciples, that poor bastard.


Pensaba que era muy inteligente. Lo pensaba porque sabía mucho sobre teatro, y sobre obras de teatro, y sobre literatura y todo eso. Si alguien sabe mucho de esas cosas tardas bastante tiempo en descubrir si realmente es estúpido o no.


أكثر ما أعجبني في المتحف أن كل شيء يظل في مكانه.


I just mean that I used to think about old Spencer quite a lot, and if you thought about him too much, you wondered what the heck he was still living for. I mean he was all stooped over, and he had very terrible posture, and in class, whenever he dropped a piece of chalk at the blackboard, some guy in the first row always had to get up and pick it up and hand it to him. That's awful, in my opinion. But if you thought about him just enough and not too much, you could figure it out that he wasn't doing too bad for himself. For instance, one Sunday when some other guys and I went over there for hot chocolate, he showed us this old beat-up Navajo blanket that he and Mrs. Spencer'd bought off some Indian in Yellowstone Park. You could tell old Spencer'd got a big bang out of buying it. That's what I mean. You take somebody old as hell, like old Spencer, and they can get a big bang out of buying a blanket.


The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody'd move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would still be just finished catching those two fish, the birds would still be on their way south, the deers would still be drinking out of that water hole, with their pretty antlers and their pretty, skinny legs, and that squaw with the naked bosom would still be weaving that same blanket. Nobody'd be different. The only thing that would be different would be you. Not that you'd be so much older or anything. It wouldn't be that, exactly. You'd just be different, that's all. You'd have an overcoat on this time. Or the kid that was your partner in line the last time had got scarlet fever and you'd have a new partner. Or you'd have a substitute taking the class, instead of Miss Aigletinger. Or you'd heard your mother and father having a terrific fight in the bathroom. Or you'd just passed by one of those puddles in the street with gasoline rainbows in them. I mean you'd be different in some way- I can't explain what I mean. And even if I could, I'm not sure I'd feel like it.

Page number : 71

نشانه ی یک انسان رشد نیافته این است که می خواهد شرافتمندانه برای هدفی بمیرد ، ولی نشانه ی یک انسان رشد یافته این است که میخواهد برای یک هدف ، متواضعانه زندگی کند


It makes me so depressed I go crazy.


Сижу тут и наворачиваю ему обо всём, а сам думаю про каких-то там уток.


The funny part is, I felt like marrying her the minute I saw her. I'm crazy. I didn't even like her much, and yet all of a sudden I felt like I was in love with her and wanted to marry her. I swear to God I'm crazy. I admit it.


В крышке от унитаза и то больше чуткости, чем в этом самом Эрнесте.


You should've seen the way they said hello. You'd have thought they hadn't seen each other in twenty years. You'd have thought they'd taken baths in the same bathtub or something when they were little kids.


No sé por qué hay que dejar de querer a una persona sólo porque se haya muerto. Sobre todo si era cien veces mejor que los que siguen viviendo.


He was the kind of a phony that have to give themselves room when they answer somebody's question.


I don't get hardly anything out of anything. I'm in bad shape. I'm in lousy shape.


He gave out a big yawn while he said that. Which is something that gives me a royal pain in the ass. I mean if somebody yawns right while they're asking you to do them a goddamn favor.


I was crazy about The Great Gatsby. Old Gatsby. Old sport. That killed me.


نمیخوام بگم که فقط آدم های تحصیل کرده و با سواد میتوانند چیزهای با ارزشی را به جهان عرضه کنند . همیشه اینطوری نیست . اما معتقدم افراد تحصیلکرده و باسواد ، اگر باهوش و خلاق باشند - که متاسقانه به ندرت این جوری هستند - نسبت به آن هایی که صرفا باهوش و خلاق هستند آثار با ارزش تری از خودشون به جا میگذارند . آن ها میتوانند حرف هایشان را روشن تر بیان کنند و معمولا مشتاقند افکارشان را تا آخر دنبال کنند . مهمتر از همه ، از هر ده نفر ، نه نفرشان نسبت به متفکرین تحصیل نکرده تواضع و فروتنی بیشتری دارند .


Yeah?" Stradlater said. That really interested him. About the booze hound running around the house naked, with Jane around. Stradlater was a very sexy bastard."She had a lousy childhood. I'm not kidding."That didn't interest Stradlater, though. Only very sexy stuff interested him.


Ainult mulle tundub, et tihti inimene ei tea algul isegi, mis teda huvitab, ja avastab selle alles kõneldes millestki, mis teda eriti ei huvita. Sinna ei ole midagi parata. Sellepärast ma arvan, et inimene jäetagu rahule, kui ta on vähemalt millestki huvitatud ja kõneldes põlema läheb. Mulle meeldib, kui keegi põlema läheb. See on nii kena.


He finished combing his goddamn gorgeous hair.


Then I thought about the whole bunch of them sticking me in a goddam cemetery and all, with my name on this tombstone and all. Surrounded by dead guys. Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in a river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.


See kuristik, mille poole sa veered, on erilist laadi, kohutav kuristik. Inimene, kes sinna kukub, ei tunne selle põhja. Ta aina langeb ja langeb. Niisugusesse kuristikku langevad inimesed, kes oma elu teataval perioodil on hakanud otsima midagi sellist, mida nende ümbrus neile pakkuda ei suuda. Või õigemini - kes arvavad, et nende ümbrus ei suuda seda neile pakkuda. Ja nad loobuvad otsimast. Loobuvad enne, kui nad on õieti alustanudki.


هیج وقت درباره کسی صحبت نکنید . اگر درباره کسی صحبت کنید، دلتان برای همه آن ها تنگ می شود .


It rained on his lousy tombstone, and it rained on the grass on his stomach. It rained all over the place. All the visitors that were visiting the cemetery started running like hell over to their cars. That's what nearly drove me crazy. All the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner- everybody except Allie. I couldn't stand it. I know it's only his body and all that's in the cemetery, and his soul's in Heaven and all that crap, but I couldn't stand it anyway. I just wish he wasn't there. You didn't know him. If you'd known him, you'd know what I mean. It's not too bad when the sun's out, but the sun only comes out when it feels like coming out.


«Quelli che mi lasciano proprio senza fiato sono i libri che quando li hai finiti di leggere e tutto quel che segue vorresti che l'autore fosse un tuo amico per la pelle e poterlo chiamare al telefono tutte le volte che ti gira»


She doesn't like her own room because it's too little, she says. She says she likes to spread out. That kills me. What's old Phoebe got to spread out? Nothing.


You're a student - whether the idea appeals to you or not. You're in love with knowledge.


Eso es lo malo. Que no hay forma de dar con un sitio bonito y tranquilo porque no existe. Puedes creer que existe, pero una vez que llegas allí, cuando no estás mirando, alguien se cuela y escribe «Que te jodan» delante de tus narices. Prueben y verán. Creo que si algún día me muero y me meten en un cementerio y me ponen encima una lápida que diga Holden Caulfield y el año en que nací y el año de mi muerte, debajo alguien escribirá «Que te jodan». De hecho estoy convencido.


Boy, did he depress me! I don't mean he was a bad guy- he wasn't. But you don't have to be a bad guy to depress somebody- you can be a good guy and do it. All you have to do to depress somebody is give them a lot of phony advice while you're looking for your initials in some can door- that's all you have to do. I don't know. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been all out of breath.