The Catcher in the Rye Quotes - Page 9 | Just Great DataBase


I think he was pretty surprised to hear from me. I once called him a fat-assed phony.


When I really worry about something, I don't fool around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only, I don't go. I'm too worried to go. I don't want to interrupt my worrying to go.

Page number : 23

But you don't have to be a bad guy to depress somebody-you can be a good guy and do it.


Başına bela sarıp düşmeye başlayan birine dibe vardığını anlama şansı verilmez. Düşer, düşer, düşer, ama düştüğünü anlayamaz. Tüm düzen, hayatlarının şu veya bu döneminde çevrelerinin onlara veremediği şeyleri arayan insanlar için kurulmuştur. Veya çevrelerinin onlara sağlayamadığını sandıkları şeyleri arayan insanlar için. Onlar da, aramaktan vazgeçerler.


وفي أغلب الأحيان، عندما يهدي إليّ أحدهم هدية، أشعر بالحزن بعد ذلك.


I felt so damn happy all of a sudden, the way old Phoebe kept going around and around. I was damn near bawling, I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth.


A legjobb abban a múzeumban mégis az, hogy minden mindig ott marad a helyén, ahol van. Semmi nem mozdul. Százezerszer is odamehetsz, és az eszkimó mindig éppen akkor fogja ki a két halat, a madarak még mindig délre repülnek, a szarvasok isznak a tócsából, a szép kis agancsukkal és a sovány lábukkal, és az indián nő, meztelen mellével, még mindig ugyanazt a takarót szövi. Semmi nem változik; ami változik: az ember saját maga. Nem az, hogy idősebb lesz, vagy ilyesmi. Nem éppen azért. Csak éppen megvál­tozik. Mondjuk, most kabátban megy. Vagy az, aki legutóbb a párja volt, skarlátot kapott, és most más a párja. Vagy a Miss Aigletinger helyettese viszi az osztályt. Vagy az ember hallotta, hogy a szülei reggel állati nagy parádét rendeztek a fürdőszobában. Vagy az ember csak elment az utcán egy pocsolya mellett, amin szivárványszínű benzinfoltok úsznak. Úgy értem, az ember kicsit mindig más, nem tudom ezt pontosan megmagyarázni. És még ha tudnám is, nem biztos, hogy akarnám.


Once you get past all the Mr. Vinsons, you're going to start getting closer and closer—that is, if you want to, and if you look for it and wait for it—to the kind of information that will be very, very dear to your heart.


În mintea mea am văzut o mulţime de copii mititei jucând un joc în lanul întins de secară. Mii de copii - şi nimeni în jur, adică niciun om mare, în afară de mine. Şi eu stau la marginea unei prăpăstii ameţitoare. Şi ştii ce fac? Prind copiii să nu cadă în prăpastie. Vreau să spun, când aleargă şi nu se uită unde merg, trebuie să le ies în cale şi să-i prind. Asta aş face toată ziua. Aş sta de veghe în lanul de secară. Ştiu că-i o nebunie. Dar e singurul lucru care m-ar tenta. Ştiu că-i o nebunie.


I could see my mother going in Spaulding's and asking the salesman a million dopy questions - and here I was getting the ax again. It mad me feel pretty sad. She bought me the wrong kind of skates - I wanted racing skates and she bought me hockey - but it made me sad anyway. Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad.


I like it when somebody gets excited about something.


I'm not too sure what the name of the song was that he was playing when I came in, but whatever it was, he was really stinking it up. He was putting all these dumb, show-offy ripples in the high notes, and a lot of other very tricky stuff that gives me a pain in the ass. You should've heard the crowd, though, when he was finished... They went mad... I swear to God, if I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it. I wouldn't even want them to clap for me.


Este tipo de caída a la que creo que te diriges es de un tipo muy especial, terrible. Al que cae no se le permite ni oír ni sentir que ha llegado al fondo. Sólo sigue cayendo y cayendo.


I think that one of these days," he said, "you're going to have to find out where you want to go. And then you've got to start going there.


I have a feeling that you're riding for some terrible, terrible fall. But I don't honestly know what kind. This fall I think you're riding for—it's a special kind of fall, a horrible kind. The man falling isn't permitted to feel or hear himself hit the bottom. He just keeps falling. The whole arrangement's designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. Or they thought their own environment couldn't supply them with. So they gave up looking. They gave it up before they ever really even got started...


It was lousy in the park. It wasn't too cold, but the sun still wasn't out, and there didn't look like there was anything in the park except dog crap and globs of spit and cigar butts from old men, and the benches all looked like they'd be wet if you sat down on them. It made you depressed, and every once in a while, for no reason, you got goose flesh while you walked. It didn't seem at all like Christmas was coming soon. It didn't seem like anything was coming.


.. За щастие някои от тях са записвали вълненията си. От тях можеш да се поучиш — ако поискаш. Тъй като един ден други ще се поучат от тебе, ако си имал нещо да им кажеш. Има нещо много красиво в такова заимстване… То не е образование. То е история. Поезия!


Once you get past all the Mr. Vinsons, you're going to start getting closer and closer--that is, if you want to, and if you look for it and wait for it--to the kind of information that will be very, very dear to your heart. Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them--if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.


That´s something else that gives me a royal pain. I mean if you´re good at writing compositions and somebody starts talking about commas. Stradlater was always doing that. He wanted you to think that the only reason he was lousy at writing compositions was because he stuck all the commas in the wrong place.


I don't like any shows very much, if you want to know the truth. They're not as bad as movies, but they're certainly nothing to rave about. In the first place, I hate actors. They never act like people. They just think they do. Some of the good ones do, in a very slight way, but not in a way that's fun to watch. And if any actor's really good, you can always tell he knows he's good, and that spoils it. [...] They didn't act like people and they didn't act like actors. It's hard to explain. They acted more like they knew they were celebrities and all. I mean they were good, but they were too good. When one of them got finished making a speech, the other one said something very fast right after it. It was supposed to be like people really talking and interrupting each other and all. The trouble was, it was too much like people talking and interrupting each other. If you do something t-o-o good, then, after a while, if you don't watch it, you start showing off. And then you're not as good any more.


Llevé el vestido al armario y se lo colgué. Tuvo gracia. Cuando lo colgué me puse un poco triste. Me la imaginé yendo a la tienda y comprándose el vestido sin que nadie supiese que era prostituta ni nada.


Беда с этими девчонками. Иногда на нее и смотреть не хочется — видишь, что она дура дурой, — но стоит ей сделать что-нибудь милое, я уже влюбляюсь. Ох эти девчонки, черт бы их подрал! С ума могут свести.


Главное, что как только дойдет до этого, так девчонка, если она не проститутка или вроде того, обязательно скажет: «Не надо, перестань». И вся беда в том, что я ее слушаюсь. Другие не слушаются. А я не могу. Я слушаюсь. Никогда не знаешь — ей и вправду не хочется, или она просто боится, или она нарочно говорит «перестань», чтобы ты был виноват, если что случится, а не она.


A veces hago cosas de persona mayor, en serio, pero de eso nadie se da cuenta. La gente nunca se da cuenta de nada.


Once you get past all the Mr. Vinsons, you're going yo start getting closer and closer- that is, if you want to, and if you look for it and wait for it- to the kind of information that will be very, very dear to your heart. Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles.


İkisinin önünde de kahvaltı diye, kızarmış ekmekle kahve vardı yalnızca. Moralim bozuldu buna. Ben kalkmış jambonlu yumurta yerken, birilerinin yalnızca kahve içip, kızarmış ekmek yemesinden nefret ediyorum.


The mark of a mature man is not willing to die for a worthy cause, rather it's willing to live for one


Hava güneşliyse durum o kadar kötü sayılmazdı, ama iki kez -tam iki kez- biz mezarlıktayken yağmur başladı. Korkunçtu. Yağmur yağıyordu çocuğun başındaki mezar taşına, karnının üstündeki çimlere. Her yer sırılsıklam olmuştu. Mezarlığı ziyarete gelen herkes deli gibi arabalarına koşmaya başladı. İşte bunu görünce deli oluyordum neredeyse. Bütün ziyaretçiler arabalarına atlayıp, radyolarını açabilirler, yemeğe bir yerlere gidebilirlerdi. Buna dayanamamıştım.


Onlar gittikten sonra, bağış için yalnızca on kağıt verdiğim için üzülmeye başladım. Ama, bizim Sally Hayes'le matineye gidecektik. Biletler için filan köşeye biraz para ayırmam gerekti. Ama yine de üzüldüm. Lanet para. Sonunda hep böyle üzülür durursunuz.


Orada öylece takılmamın nedeni; kendimce bir çeşit veda duygusu yaşamaya çalışmamdı. Birçok okuldan, birçok yerden ayrıldım, ayrıldığımı anlayamadım. Bundan nefret ediyorum. Ayrılışlarım acıklı, hatta kötü olabilir, ama bir yerden artık ayrılıyorsam bunu anlamak istiyorum. Bunu anlamadığınız zaman kendinizi daha kötü hissediyorsunuz.


I sort of miss everybody I told about.


Sensitive. That killed me. That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddamn toilet seat.


Her neyse, hep, büyük bir çavdar tarlasında oyun oynayan çocuklar getiriyorum gözümün önüne. Binlerce çocuk, başka kimse yok ortalıkta yetişkin hiç kimse, yani benden başka. Ve çılgın bir uçurumun kenarında durmuşum. Ne yapıyorum, uçuruma yaklaşan herkesi yakalıyorum; nereye gittiklerine hiç bakmadan koşarlarken, ben bir yerlerden çıkıyor, onları yakalıyorum. Bütün gün yalnızca bu işi yapıyorum. Ben, çavdar tarlasında çocukları yakalayan biri olmak isterdim. Çılgın bir şey bu, biliyorum, ama ben yalnızca böyle biri olmak isterdim. Biliyorum, bu çılgın bir şey.


Eso es lo malo. Que no hay forma de dar con un sitio tranquilo porque no existe. Cuando tu crees que por fin lo has encontrado, te encuentras con que alguien ha escrito un "joder" en la pared. De verdad les digo que cuando me muera y me entierren en un cementerio y me pongan encima una lápida que diga Holden Caufield y los años de mi nacimiento y de mi muerte, debajo alguien escribirá la dichosa palabrita.


Los católicos siempre están intentando saber si tú también eres católico.


Then I started reading this timetable I had in my pocket. Just stop lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding. Hours.


Verás que no eres el primero a quien la conducta humana ha confundido, asustado y hasta asqueado. Te alegrará y te estimulará saber que no estás solo en ese sentido. Son muchos los hombres que han sufrido moral ni espiritualmente del mismo modo que tú ahora. Felizmente, algunos de ellos han dejado constancia de su sufrimiento. Y de ellos aprenderás si lo deseas. Del mismo modo que alguien aprenderá algún día de ti si tienes algo que ofrecer. Se trata de un hermoso acuerdo de reciprocidad. No se trata de educación. Es historia. Es poesía.


I felt like giving old Jane a buzz


He was one of those bald guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness. I'd rather be bald than do that.


I mean that's my big trouble. In my mind, I'm probably the biggest sex maniac you ever saw. Sometimes I can think of very crumby stuff I wouldn't mind doing if the opportunity came up.


Problema e că, de cele mai multe ori, cînd aproape c-ai ajuns să te culci cu o fată - bineînţeles dacă fata nu-i prostituată sau mai ştiu eu ce - , îţi spune mereu să te opreşti. Şi nenorocirea e că eu mă opresc. Majoritatea nici nu se gîndesc să se oprească. Dar eu nu pot altfel. Nu ştii niciodată dacă vor într-adevăr să te opreşti sau dacă le e îngrozitor de frică sau dacă-ţi spun să te opreşti numai pentru ca vina - dacă totuşi mergi pînă la capăt - să fie a ta şi nu a lor. Totuşi, continui să mă opresc. Nenorocirea e că mi-e milă de ele. Adică majoritatea fetelor sînt atît de proaste şi de neajutorate! După ce le săruţi şi le mîngîi un pic, le vezi cum încep să-şi piardă capul. Orice fată, cînd începe să se încălzească, îşi pierde uzul raţiunii. Nici eu nu pricep de ce le ascult cînd îmi spun să mă opresc. Şi după ce le duc acasă începe să-mi pară rău că m-am oprit, dar totuşi continui să mă opresc.


As a matter of fact, I'm the only dumb one in the family.


qué bien, es como si hasta ahora siempre hubiera tenido frío


Watch your language, if you don't mind."What a lady, boy. A queen, for Chrissake.


M-am întors în cameră şi m-am băgat în pat. Mi-a trebuit foarte mult timp pînă s-adorm - nici măcar nu eram obosit - , dar, în cele din urmă, tot am aţipit. De fapt, ceea ce doream atunci era să mă sinucid. Îmi venea să mă arunc pe fereastră. Şi probabil că m-aş fi aruncat dac-aş fi fost sigur c-are să mă acopere cineva îndată ce voi ajunge jos. N-aş fi vrut ca nişte tîmpiţi de gură-cască să se zgîiască la mine, în timp ce-aş fi zăcut acolo plin de sînge.


Where you girls from? Don't answer if you don't feel like it. I don't want you to strain yourself.


A todos los que vinieron a visitarme les pondría una condición. No hacer nada que no fuera sincero.


فکر می‌کنم کاری که می‌بایست بکنم این است که وانمود کنم یک آدم کر و لال هستم. این‌طوری دیگر مجبور نمی‌شدم با هر کس و ناکسی طرف صحبت بشوم و با آنها حرف‌های احمقانه و بی‌فایده بزنم!


Bajé por una escalera diferente y vi otro «Que te jodan» en la pared. Quise borrarlo con la mano también, pero este lo habían grabado con una navaja o algo así. No había forma de quitarlo. De todos modos, es inútil. Aunque se dedicara uno a eso un millón de años, nunca podría borrar ni la mitad de todos los «Que te jodan» del mundo. Es imposible.


I really got to know her quite intimately. I don't mean it was anything physical or anything- it wasn't- but we saw each other all the time. You don't always have to get too sexy to get to know a girl.