What Is Management?

A resultful development of market relations is largely determined by the formation of modern management. It is the latter that ensures the coherence and integration of economic processes in the enterprise, in the region, even in the country. In modern theory and practice, a board is usually understood as the process of leadership by a person, a task team and an enterprise as a whole although, the given term has several meanings.

Examining of Management Process: Definition of Management and Management Functions

Traditionally the definition of management means all available, legal and effective methods of directing the work of a particular enterprise. Thus, management is the sphere of human energy, which includes, as an obligatory element, the supervision of people, social organizations or structures. It is a special kind of practice that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective, purposeful and productive group. In modern literature, many authors pay attention to numerous management concepts. Let's focus on the most common of them.

The system approach allows considering the company as a system consisting of a certain number of interrelated elements. Initially, the theory of systems was applied in exact sciences and engineering. The starting point of the system approach is the concept of the goal, the presence of which is the essential part of the firm, according to that the latter one differs from the others. So, the system is understood as a kind of integrity, involving separate interrelated parts, each of which contributes to the progress of the whole. Any system consists of subsystems. In the firm, these are departments, social and technical components of the structure.

What Are Management Functions?

The process approach regards management as a series of continuous, interrelated actions to achieve the goal. The actions themselves are called management functions. There are different points of view on them. For example, Henri Fayol distinguished five functions:

  1. prediction and planning;
  2. organization;
  3. disposal;
  4. coordination;
  5. control.

Modern literature has added motivation, communication, research, evaluation, decision-making and regulation to the above.

In general, the modern command can be represented as consisting of the four functions of management:

  1. planning (preparation and adoption of executives’ decisions);
  2. organization;
  3. motivation;
  4. control.

The situation approach has the next features:

  • a) The possibility of directly using of science to specific situations and conditions;
  • b) The central point is the situation as a certain set of circumstances that affect the company at a given time;
  • c) Managers could better comprehend what tools will be more conducive to achieving the organization's goals in a particular situation;
  • d) The approach tries to link unique techniques and categories with peculiar situations in order to achieve the organization's goals more effectively;
  • e) The approach uses situational differences between organizations. The manager needs to determine what the significant variables are and how they effect on the enterprise.

Characteristics of Management

Analyzing the situation on the world market, one must constantly be prepared for changes in order not to lag behind competitors. In this case, it is not superfluous to know and apply the features of the management process.

What is Management Process?

Firstly, there are three mechanisms of interaction between people in the world:

  • Hierarchy. It is relevant when the coordination of people's actions is required;
  • Ideology, customs, organizational culture, moral attitudes, etc.;
  • Market and partnership relations.

Secondly, given the rapid pace of progress of science, technology and increasing the requirements for the quality of products, it is necessary to increase the interest of laborers in the quality performance of their work. The third thing is the high value of working time entails the necessity for a clear labor organization.

Also, remember that increasing the role of the client, makes it necessary to study their needs. To take into account that the educational level of employees and the quality of their life has increased. So, the growth of small and medium-sized businesses entails the demand for a large number of managers.

Thus, in order for an enterprise to achieve its goals, its tasks must be coordinated. Therefore, management is a very significant science. In any given situation of modern administration, there are many factors that need to be able to find their optimal way of trend management. And this is achieved by constantly updating scholarship, constant analysis of the results of the enterprise and learning about foreign experience.