What Is Cloud Marketing? Components and Benefits

The truth of the modern day is undeniable: the Internet is an inseparable part of our lives. No wonder it has also become a huge, almost the most crucial part of numerous businesses. And while it allows the consumers to shop fast and with convenience, it also helps entrepreneurs and business owners make their merchandise or services visible to those potential customers and online users.

Definition of Cloud Marketing

Being a relatively new technology, the term cloud marketing may seem a bit mysterious to some people. However, there’s nothing too confusing about it. The term defines a joint set of business’s marketing efforts and forces that it implements via the online sources and channels. In other words, cloud marketing implies all of the methods a business may employ in order to engage with its potential prospects online and display its merchandise or services.

Despite the fact that we are mostly used to the traditional printed advertisements and television-based promotions, cloud marketing allows businesses to use (quite effectively) the available online tools to reach the major objective: connecting with the potential customers.

What makes cloud marketing a truly comprehensive and an all-embracing tool is the fact that it is suitable for any business out there, no matter what industry or market area it is operating in. It may be combined with the old-school TV ads or printed promotions, or can be implemented on its own, still quite effectively.

The growth of cloud marketing actually depends on the users. The more we integrate the Internet into various spheres of our lives, the more cloud marketing spreads. And it’s not surprising since this marketing method brings obvious and measurable results every time.

Benefits of Cloud Marketing

Employing the cloud marketing tools has proven to be potent by countless businesses. Think about Amazon, for instance, which doesn’t have a single physical store and promotes itself via online channels. As inspiring as this example may be, it also proves that cloud marketing is able to offer numerous benefits. Some of them are:

  • Reduced expenses on the marketing materials. There’s no need to print anything or buy TV time. Cloud marketing, even though it may require some costs, is not as expensive as the traditional means of advertisement. Moreover, some of the cloud promotion channels are completely free.
  • Customizable advertisement. With online tools, you can target specific audiences using the content people are most likely will be interested in. You can also create personalized promotional materials (like emails, for example) based on the users’ online history.
  • More channels of distribution. Your campaign won’t be limited to TV, newspapers, or radio. The marketing opportunities are endless when you use the Web.
  • Improved efficiency. When dealing with cloud marketing, you can get the results faster than with the regular means of promotion.

The 4 Components Every Digital Marketing Cloud Ought to Offer

A marketing cloud, again, is a relatively new term. Familiarizing yourself with it is one of the main objectives of any marketer who has an aim to pursue cloud digital promotion and advertisement. A marketing cloud is simply a management platform that a business chooses to employ in order to communicate with its prospects and to establish a marketing relationship with them.

Any component of cloud marketing is crucial since its performance will directly influence the results. Therefore, there are certain criteria a marketing cloud of your choice should meet. The major 4 components of such a cloud are:

  • A multi-channel distribution and the automation of those channels.
  • Content instruments that will allow you to manage and organize the content you share with your prospects.
  • Social media instruments, which will allow you to reach more prospects via various platforms.
  • Analytics instruments, which will come in handy when you decide to evaluate your strategy and how effectively it is being implemented.

The Marketing Cloud Model

Every successful cloud marketing model and campaign consists of specific steps and planning. Also, each model is quite challenging to implement since cloud marketing requires you to operate on multiple platforms and through various channels at the same time, trying to coordinate all of the marketing efforts accordingly.

Therefore, developing a cloud model will require specific steps to be taken:

  • Defining the main objectives of the campaign. This will help you figure out what path you should step onto and what tools will be the most efficient to use.
  • Composing an advertising copy and creating appropriate multimedia materials. This is the step when you establish the concept, the aesthetics of your campaign.
  • Moving the content online. It is crucial to find enough channels of distribution and to make sure they are working smoothly. For instance, if you decide to share something using your website, make sure it doesn’t lag.
  • Maintaining the content. This should be done daily. You might need to add some new info or take down the irrelevant one, respond to the feedback, update pages, etc.
  • Analyzing the campaign. It is critical to evaluate how your marketing message is being perceived by the audience and how your potential prospects respond to it.

Cloud marketing, despite being somewhat challenging and requiring very thorough planning, is what may help you reach your potential clients, delivering the right message at the right time.