Lolita characters
Humbert is the main male character of the novel. He is the protagonist. Humbert is highly intelligent and educated. This middle-aged man, who is obsessed with the psychology, especially mental diseases. He has a smart and good-looking appearance and is obsessed with himself. Humbert loves Lolita...
The full name of this character is Dolores Haze. It is the main female character in the novel, the antagonist of Humbert. We get to know about her from individual characteristics provided by the narrator. Lolita is the reflection of a nymphet, lost the love of Humbert – his Annabel. Lolita...
Charlotte Haze is Lolita’s mother and Humbert’s wife. She always struggled to become highly educated and cultured woman. However, her middle-class roots always affected her life. Charlotte was unable to rise to a higher role than a middle-class housewife. Her relations with Lolita are...
Clare Quilty follows Humbert. He resembles his shadow. He builds a prosperous career of a playwright. Moreover, Clare was a pornographer. Quilty was acquainted with Lolita’s parents. He was obsessed with young girls and liked Lolita since childhood. In comparison to Humbert, who idolized...
Author of the novel borrowed this female icon from a poem of Edgar Alan Poe. Annabel Leigh is a girl, who adored Humbert being a young man. For him, she became an icon of the ideal girl. Probably, it was she, who caused Humbert’s obsession with young girls of a specific appearance, whom he...