Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 115 | Just Great DataBase

Miüsov’s action was similarly, no doubt, an echo of other people’s ideas, and was due to the irritation caused by lack of mental freedom. She wanted, perhaps, to show her feminine independence, to override class distinctions and the despotism of her family. And a pliable imagination persuaded


-Բայց մի՞թե քիչ է լոկ ինքնապահպանման զգացումը: Չէ՞ որ ինքնապահպանման զգացումը մարդկության նորմալ օրենքն է...-Այդ ճիշտ է, օրենքն է, բայց նույնքան նորմալ, որքան և կործանման օրենքը, իսկ թերևս նաև ինքնակործանման: Մի՞թե միայն ինքապահպանման մեջ է մարդկության ողջ նորմալ օրենքը:


Бог простит


when you come to higher suffering- for an idea, for instance- he will very rarely admit that, perhaps because my face strikes him as not at all what he fancies a man should have who suffers for an idea. And so he deprives me instantly of his favor, and


I dare not dream of hope, for i am not worthy of it. But after a word from you i can accept my poverty again; i shall joyfully endure my hopeless lot. I shall face the struggle; i shall be glad of it; i shall rise up again with renewed strength.


Reason is the slave of passion,


Para el realista no es la fe lo que nace del milagro, sino el milagro el que nace de la fe.


He was, however, unable to give much prolonged or continuous thought to anything that evening , or to concentrate on any one idea; and anyway, even if he had been able to, he would not have found his way to a solution of these questions in a conscious manner; now he could only feel. In place of dialectics life had arrived, and in his consciousness something of a wholly different nature must now work towards fruition.


I could never understand how one can love one’s neighbours. It’s just one’s neighbours, to my mind, that one can’t love, though one might love those at a distance. I


Rira bien qui rira le dernier!


Russian critics: '‘He was one ofourselves, a man of our blood and our bone, but one whohas suffered and has seen so much more deeply than wehave his insight impresses us as wisdom … that wisdom ofthe heart which we seek that we may learn from it how tolive. All his other gifts came to him from nature, this hewon for himself and through it he became great.


Añade que le he querido durante una hora, sólo durante una hora; pero que se acuerde siempre de esta hora. Y


Төгс төгөлдөрт хүрэхийн тулд эхлээд их олон юмыг ойлгодоггүй байх хэрэгтэй. Хэрэв бид хэтэрхий хурдан ойлгох аваас дутуу дулимагаа ойлгож байгаа хэрэг болно.


Su autoridad es pura ilusión. Dan muerte a miles de hombres y ven en ello un mérito. Son unos bribones y unos cobardes,


Hurrah for Karamazov!


A questão está na vida, apenas na vida - no seu descobrir-se, contínuo e eterno, e de maneira nenhuma na sua descoberta!


ya que al promulgar nuevas leyes violaban las antiguas, que habían sido observadas fielmente por la sociedad y transmitidas de generación en generación, y también porque esos hombres no retrocedieron ante los derramamientos de sangre (de sangre inocente y a veces heroicamente derramada para defender las antiguas leyes), por poca que fuese la utilidad que obtuvieran de ello. »Incluso


Yes, guilty! And then it was the same on each point:


You have no tenderness, nothing but truth, and so you judge unjustly.


Lo que yo insinué fue tan sólo que el hombre extraordinario tiene el derecho..., no el derecho legal, naturalmente, sino el derecho moral..., de permitir a su conciencia franquear ciertos obstáculos en el caso de que así lo exija la realización de sus ideas, tal vez beneficiosas para toda la humanidad...