Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 28 | Just Great DataBase

Compassion was the principal and, perhaps, the only law of existence for the whole of mankind.


If I had had the power to prevent my own birth I should certainly never have consented to accept existence under such ridiculous conditions. However, I have the power to end my existence, although I do but give back days that are already numbered. It is an insignificant gift, and my revolt is equally insignificant.


الإنسان يألف الرخاء والترف بسهولة كبيرة فيصعب عليه بعد ذلك أن يستغني عنهما منتى أصبحا من الضروريات شيئاً بعد شيء


Laş e acela care se teme şi fuge, acela însă care se teme, dar nu fuge, nu este tocmai un laş.


Dragostea abstractă pentru umanitate ascunde aproape întotdeauna o iubire egoistă faţă de tine însuţi.


How can one deceive these dear little birds, when they look at one so sweetly and confidingly? I call them birds because there is nothing in the world better than birds!


Towards the end of November, during a thaw, at nine o'clock one morning, a train on the Warsaw and Petersburg railway was approaching the latter city at full speed. The morning was so damp and misty that it was only with great difficulty that the day succeeded in breaking; and it was impossible to distinguish anything more than a few yards away from the carriage windows.


You say I haven’t any orginality. But mark this, dear Prince, there’s nothing more annoying for a man of our time and race than to tell him he’s not original, a weak character with no special talents, ordinary in other words. You didn’t even deign to regard me as a genuine rogue, I felt like killing you for that just now, you know that?


Убивать за убийство несоразмерно большее наказание, чем само преступление


Farther on, in another place, she wrote: ‘Do not consider my words as the sickly ecstasies of a diseased mind, but you are, in my opinion—perfection! I have seen you—I see you every day. I do not judge you; I have not weighed you in the scales of Reason and found you Perfection—it is simply an article of faith. But I must confess one sin against you—I love you. One should not love perfection. One should only look on it as perfection—yet I am in love with you. Though love equalizes, do not fear. I have not lowered you to my level, even in my most secret thoughts. I have written ‘Do not fear,’ as if you could fear. I would kiss your footprints if I could; but, oh! I am not putting myself on a level with you!


Вчера я, встретив вас, пришла домой и выдумала одну картину. Христа пишут живописцы всё по евангельским сказаниям; я бы написала иначе: я бы изобразила его одного. Я оставила бы с ним только одного маленького ребенка. Ребенок играл подле него; может быть, рассказывал ему что-нибудь на своем детском языке, Христос его слушал, но теперь задумался; рука его невольно, забывчиво осталась на светлой головке ребенка. Он смотрит в даль, в горизонт; мысль, великая, как весь мир, покоится в его взгляде; лицо грустное. Ребенок замолк, облокотился на его колена и, подперши ручкой щеку, поднял головку и задумчиво, как дети иногда задумываются, пристально на него смотрит. Солнце заходит… Вот моя картина!


يقولون أن الوداعة قوة هائلة


Мне двадцать седьмой год, а ведь я знаю, что я как ребенок. Я не имею права выражать мою мысль, я это давно говорил; я только в Москве, с Рогожиным, говорил откровенно… Мы с ним Пушкина читали, всего прочли; он ничего не знал, даже имени Пушкина… Я всегда боюсь моим смешным видом скопрометировать мысль и главную идею. Я не имею жеста. Я имею жест всегда противоположный, а это вызывает смех и унижает идею. Чувства меры тоже нет, а это главное… Я знаю, что мне лучше сидеть и молчать. Когда я упрусь и замолчу, то даже очень благоразумным кажусь, и к тому же обдумываю


That there was, indeed, beauty and harmony in those abnormal moments, that they really contained the highest synthesis of life, he could not doubt, nor even admit the possibility of doubt. He felt that they were not analogous to the fantastic and unreal dreams due to intoxication by hashish, opium or wine. Of that he could judge, when the attack was over. These instants were characterized--to define it in a word--by an intense quickening of the sense of personality. Since, in the last conscious moment preceding the attack, he could say to himself, with full understanding of his words: "I would give my whole life for this one instant," then doubtless to him it really was worth a lifetime. For the rest, he thought the dialectical part of his argument of little worth; he saw only too clearly that the result of these ecstatic moments was stupefaction, mental darkness, idiocy. No argument was possible on that point. His conclusion, his estimate of the "moment," doubtless contained some error, yet the reality of the sensation troubled him. What's more unanswerable than a fact? And this fact had occurred. The prince had confessed unreservedly to himself that the feeling of intense beatitude in that crowded moment made the moment worth a lifetime.


A dead man has no age


Let us become servants in order to be leaders.


...For active love is a harsh and fearful thing compared with love in dreams. Love in dreams thirsts for immediate action, quickly performed, and with everyone watching. Indeed, it will go as far as the giving even of one's life, provided it does not take long but is soon over, as on stage, and everyone is looking on and praising. Whereas active love is labor and perseverance, and for some people, perhaps, a whole science.


كن مختلفا و لو صرت وحيداً


بابا حين يهيلون على قبري التراب، فانثر فوقه فتات خبز ففتهافت عليه العصافير، فأسمع صوتها، فلا أشعر بأنني وحيد


أخي ! ..أخي ! .صديقي ! ..مذل هو الإنسان حتى اليوم ! ، رهيب هو مصير الإنسان ! شديدة هي آلام الإنسان ! لا تحسبن لأن لي رتبة ضابط أنني امرؤ فظ غليظ القلب لا يعنيه إلا أن يشرب الكونياك وأن يتلذذ بالنساء ! إنني في الواقع لا أفكر إلا في مصير البشر الذي يدعو إلى الشفقة والعطف والرثاء ، ذلك هو اهتمامي الوحيد تقريبا وما أنا بكاذب عليك البتة ، ألا فلتشهد السماء أني لا أكذب ولا أتباهي في هذه اللحظة ، إن المصير الفاجع الذي كتب على البشر يعذبني تعذيبا شديدا لأنني أنا نفسي واحد من هؤلاء الأشقياء البؤساء