Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 38 | Just Great DataBase

Without a stable conception of the object of life, man would rather destroy himself though he had bread in abundance.


Listen, then: we are not with you, but with him, that is our secret! For a long time now - eight centuries already - we have not been with you, but with him. Exactly eight centuries ago we took from him what you so indignantly rejected, that last gift he offered you when he showed you all the kingdoms of the earth: we took Rome and the sword of Caesar from him, and proclaimed ourselves sole rulers of the earth, the only rulers, though we have not yet succeeded in bringing our cause to its full conclusion.


And you and I had better go work on the land. I want to scrape the earth with my hands.


إنني قد أُلهمت حقا حين نكلت عن وعدي ورفضت أن أصبح زوجتك. أنت زوج لا يطاق. هبني تزوجتك، ثم كلفتك بأن تحمل رسالة إلى عشيقي: لسوف تقوم بهذه المهمة، ولن تقتصر على حمل الرسالة إليه بل ستجيئني بالرد أيضا


I've found out more in this one cursed night than I'd have learned in twenty years of living.


I've made a terrible confession to you," he concluded gloomily. "Do appreciate it, gentlemen. And it's not enough, not enough to appreciate it, you must not just appreciate it, it should also be precious to you, and if not, if this, too, goes past your souls, then it means you really do not respect me, gentlemen. I tell you that, and I will die of shame at having confessed to such men as you.


Why are they crying? Why are they crying?" Mitya asks, flying past them at a great clip."The wee one, the driver answers, "it's the wee one crying." And Mitya is struck that he has said it in his own peasant way: "the wee one," and not "the baby." And he likes it that the peasant has said "wee one": there seems to be more pity in it."But why is it crying?" Mitya insists, as if he were foolish, "why are its little arms bare, why don't they wrap it up?""The wee one's cold, its clothes are frozen, they don't keep it warm.""But why is it so? Why?" foolsih Mitya would not leave off."They're poor, burnt out, they've got no bread, they're begging for their burnt-down place.""No, no," Mitya still seems not to understand, "tell me: why are these burnt-out mothers standing here, why are the people poor, why is the wee one poor, why is the steppe bare, why don't they embrace and kiss, why don't they sing joyful songs, why are they blackened with such black misery, why don't they feed the wee one?"And he feels within himself that, though his questions have no reason or sense, he still certainly wants to ask in just that way, and he should ask in just that way. And he also feels a tenderness such as he has never known before surging up in his heart, he wants to weep, he wants to do something for them all, so that the wee one will no longer cry, so that the blackened, dried-up mother of the wee one will not cry either, so that there will be no more tears in anyone from that moment on, and it must be done at once, at once, without delay and despite everything, with all his Karamazov unrestraint.


إن الرب شاء كرمه أن يهب للنساء هذه النعمة : النوبات العصبية


البشر يصبحون مجانين مسعورين، ولكنهم يعدون أنفسهم على ذكاء عظيم لم يزعمه البشر لأنفسهم في يوم من الأيام قط ؛ فهم يعتقدون بأنهم معصومين من الزلل مبرّؤون من الخطأ، في أحكامهم، في نتائجهم العلمية، في مبادئهم الأخلاقية والدينية. إن قرى ومدنًا وأممًا بكاملها قد سرت إليها هذه العدوى، وفقدت عقلها. أصبح أفرادها يعيشون في حالة جنون، لا يفهم بعضهم عن بعض شيئًا، لا يفهم أحد منهم عن أحد شيئًا ؛ كل واحد يؤمن بأنه الإنسان الوحيد الذي يمتلك الحقيقة، فإذا نظر إلى الآخرين تألم وبكى ولطم صدره وعقف يديه لوعة وحسرة. أصبح الناس لا يستطيعون أن يتفاهموا على ما ينبغي أن يكون شرًا وما ينبغي أن يكون خيرًا. أصبحوا لا يستطيعون لا أن يدينوا ولا أن يبرؤوا. أصبح البشر يقتل بعضهم بعضًا تحت سيطرة بغض لا معنى له وكره لا يُفهم. هم يجتمعون ليؤلفوا جيوشًا كبيرة، فما أن يدخلوا معركة حتى يندلع الشقاق في جميع الصفوف فتنحل الجيوش، ويأخذ الجنود يهجم بعضهم على بعض، فيَعُض بعضهم بعضًا، ويذبح بعضهم بعضًا، ويلتهم بعضهم بعضًا. في المدن يدق ناقوس الخطر طوال النهار، ويُستنفر الشعب. ولكن ما الذي يستنفره ؟ ولماذا يستنفره ؟ ذلك أمر لا يعرف أحد عنه شيئًا. الرعب يستبد بجميع الخلق. المهن العادية هجرها أصحابها، لأن كل واحد يعرض آراءه وإصلاحاته، وما من أحد يستطيع أن يتفق مع أحد.الزراعة أُهملت إهمالًا تامًا. هنا وهناك يجتمع أناس فيشكلون جماعات ويتهافتون على القيام بعمل مشترك، متعاهدين بأغلظ الأيمان على ألا يفترقوا قط، ولكنهم ما يلبثون أن يشرعوا في شيء لا يمت بأي صلة إلى ما عقدوا النية على القيام به، ثم ما يلبثون أن يأخذوا في التراشق بالتهم، ثم مايلبثون أن يقتتلوا فيذبح بعضهم بعضًا. وتشتعل الحرائق، وتظهم المجاعة. كل شيء يصيبه الدمار، وجميع الناس يهلكون شيئًا فشيئًآ.


It may be that you ought to thank God; why, for all you know he may be preserving you for something. Be of great heart and fear less.


I don't need you to tell me I'm not well, though I don't really know what's wrong with me; I think I'm five times healthier than you are.


Scraps and shreds of thoughts were simply swarming in his brain, but he could not catch at one, he could not rest on one, in spite of all his efforts…


The triumphant sense of security, of deliverance from overwhelming danger, that was what filled his whole soul that moment without thought for the future, without analysis, without suppositions or surmises, without doubts and without questioning. It was an instant of full, direct, purely instinctive joy.


If you chase several hares at once, you won't overtake any one of them.


As aparições são, por assim dizer, pedaços ou fragmentos de outros mundos, o seu princípio. É claro que o homem são não tem motivo para vê-las, porque o homem são é o homem mais terreno, e deve viver uma vida terrestre, em harmonia e ordem. Mas quando adoece, ou quando a ordem terrena se altera no organismo, começa imediatamente a se mostrar a possibilidade de outro mundo, e, quanto mais doente, mais em contato com esse outro mundo ele se encontra, de maneira que, quando morre completamente, o homem vai direto para esse mundo


he seemed to be trying to find his way somewhere, but had forgotten where.


قال الكاهن لكاترين:الله رحيم . أملي في عون الرب-هو رحيم ولا شك ، لكنه ليس رحيما بنا نحن - هذا اثم يا سيدتي ، هذا اثم فصرخت مشيرة إلى المحتضر "زوجها":وهذا ، أليس إثما؟


His malice was aimed at himself; with shame and contempt he recollected his "cowardice.


What answer had your lecturer in Moscow to make to the question why he was forging notes? 'Everybody is getting rich one way or another, so I want to make haste to get rich too.' I don't remember the exact words, but the upshot was that he wants money for nothing, without waiting or working! We've grown used to having everything ready-made, to walking on crutches, to having our food chewed for us. Then the great hour struck, and every man showed himself in his true colours.


Clearly, he now had not to be anguished, not to suffer passively, by mere reasoning about unresolvable questions, but to do something without fail, at once, quickly.