Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 44 | Just Great DataBase

-جُنَّت كاترينا ايفانوفنا !أطلقت صونيا صرخة. وتابع ليبزياتنيكوف كلامه :-أو على الأقل ذلك ما يبدو. أصبحنا هناك لا ندري ماذا يجب أن نعمل. أغلب الظن أنهم طردوها من المكان الذي ذهبت إليه، ولعلهم ضربةها أيضاً... أو على الأقل ذلك ما يبدو... لقد ركضت تسعى إلى الرئيس سيميون زاخارتش، فلم تجده في بيته: كان يتغدى عند جنرال آخر. فذهبت إلى حيث كان يتغدى... تصوروا... ذهبت إلى بيت ذلك الجنرال الآخر... هل تصدقون هذا؟ واستطاعت أن تستدعي الرئيس سيميون زاخارتش، نعم، اضطرته أن ينهض عن المائدة، أو على الأقل ذلك ما يبدو. وفي وسعكم أن تتخيلوا التتمة! لقد طُردت طبعاً، لكنها تروي أنها شتمته وأنها رشقته بشيء على رأسه. ذلك جائز جداً. حتى أنني أستغرب أنهم لم يعتقلوها. وهي الآن تروي هذه القصة لكل من يريدون أن يسمعوها، ومنهم آماليا ايفانوفنا. غير أن من الصعب أن يفهم المرء عليها، من فرط صراخها وتخبطها!.. آه... نعم... هي تقول... هي تصيح قائلة إنها ما دامت قد هجرها جميع الناس، فستأخذ أولادها، وستمضي في الشارع تعزف على أرغن يدوي،وأن أولادها سيغنون ويرقصون، وأنها ستغني وترقص هي أيضاً، وأنهم سيستعطون الصدقات من المارَّة، وأنها ستقود الأولاد كل يوم إلى منزل الجنرال فتقف بهم تحت نوافذ غرفته،وهكذا " سيعرف الجنرال، على حد تعبيرها، كيف أن أولاداً نبلاء أبوهم موظف محترم يستجدون أكف الناس في الشوارع ". وهي تضرب جميع أولادها، والأولاد يبكون. إنها تعّلم لينيا أغنية "القرية الصغيرة"، وتعلّم الصبي الصغير الرقص، وكذلك تعلّم الرقص بولينا ميخائيلوفنا. ولقد مزقت ملابسهم، وأخذت تخيط لهم طاقيات مهرِّجين. إنها تريد أن تحمل طشتاً تنقر عليه كما تنقر على آلة موسيقية. وهي ترفض أن تسمع شيئاً... تصوروا! هل يمكن أن نتركها تفعل هذا !


[The Devil] 'The question now,' my young thinker reflected, 'is whether or not it is possible for such a period ever to come. If it does come, then everything will be resolved and mankind will finally be settled. But since, in view of man's inveterate stupidity, it may not be settled for another thousand years, anyone who already knows the truth is permitted to settle things for himself, absolutely as he wishes, on the new principles. In this sense, "everything is permitted" to him. Moreover, since God and immortality do not exist in any case, even if this period should never come, the new man is allowed to become a man-god, though it be he alone in the whole world, and of course, in this new rank, to jump lightheartedly over any former moral obstacle of the former slave-man, if need be. There is no law for God! Where God stand--there is the place of God! Where I stand, there at once will be the foremost place..."everything is permitted," and that's that!' It's all very nice; only if one wants to swindle, why, I wonder, should one also need the sanction of truth? But such is the modern little Russian man: without such a sanction, he doesn't even dare to swindle, so much does he love the truth...


Es una mujer que anhela sufrir por alguien, y si se la privase de este sufrimiento, sería capaz, tal vez, de arrojarse por una ventana.


He precisely lays it to his and his colleagues credit that they have finally overcome freedom, and have done so in order to make people happy.


I want to attempt a thing like that and am frightened by these trifles," he thought, with an odd smile. "Hm … yes, all is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of


Braćo, ne bojte se grehova ljudskih, volite čoveka i u grehu njegovom, jer kad ko voli čoveka grešnog, to je već slika Božanske ljubavi i vrhunac je ljubavi na zemlji. Volite sve stvorenje Božje i celokupno i svaku mrvicu. Svaki listić, svaku zraku Božju volite. Volite životinje, volite bilje, volite svaku stvar. Budeš li voleo svaku stvar – i tajnu ćeš Božju razumeti u stvarima. A shvatiš li je jedared, ti ćeš je posle neumorno početi poznavati sve dalje i više, svakodnevno. I zavolećeš, najzad, sav svet vascelom i vasionom ljubavlju. Životinje volite: njima je Bog dao klicu misli i tihu radost. Nemojte im je narušavati i remetiti, ne mučite ih, ne oduzimajte im radost, ne protivite se misli Božjoj. Čoveče, ne uznosi se, ne misli da si bolji od životinje: one su bezgrešne, a ti, sa svojim veličanstvom, ti samo gnojiš zemlju svojom pojavom, na njoj trag svoj gnojni ostavljaš posle sebe, - i to, avaj, skoro svaki, svaki između nas!Decu volite naročito, jer ona su bezgrešna kao anđeli i žive da bi nas razdragala i usrećila; ona žive zarad čišćenja srdaca naših, kao neki putokaz za nas. Teško onome ko uvredi dete...


Kto sumienie posiada, niech cierpi, skoro zdał sobie sprawę z pomyłki. Będzie mu to karą – obok katorgi.


A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself. A man who lies to himself is often the first to take offense.


He will pity us who pitied everyone ... And He will say, 'I receive them, my wise and reasonable ones, forasmuch as not one of them considered himself worthy of this thing ...


Let me be sinful before everyone, but so that everyone will forgive me, and that is paradise. Am I not in paradise now?


Her gloves, as Razumihin noticed, were not merely shabby but had holes in them, and yet this evident poverty gave the two ladies an air of special dignity, which is always found in people who know how to wear poor clothes.


Your slave and enemy,D.Karamazov


Why, my dear fellow, you may drive yourself into delirium if you have the impulse to work upon your nerves, to go ringing bells at night and asking about blood!


Is it possible that I've suffered so that I, together with my evil deeds and sufferings, should be manure for someone's future harmony? I want to see with my own eyes the hind lie down with the lion, and the murdered man rise up and embrace his murderer.


Man is a vile creature!


And we may ask the scornful themselves: If our hope is a dream, when will you build up your edifice and order things justly by your intellect alone, without Christ? If they declare that it is they who are advancing towards unity, only the most simple-hearted among them believe it, so that one may positively marvel at such simplicity. Of a truth, they have more fantastic dreams than we. They aim at justice, but, denying Christ, they will end by flooding the earth with blood, for blood cries out for blood, and he that taketh up the sword shall perish by the sword. And if it were not for Christ's covenant, they would slaughter one another down to the last two men on earth. And those two last men would not be able to restrain each other in their pride, and the one would slay the other and then himself. And that would come to pass, were it not for the promise of Christ that for the sake of the humble and meek the days shall be shortened.


With my rags I ought to wear a cap, any sort of old pancake, but not this grotesque thing. Nobody wears such a hat, it would be noticed a mile off, it would be remembered… . What matters is that people would remember it, and that would give them a clue


if I do run away, even with money and a passport, and even to America, I still take heart from the thought that I will not be running to any joy or happiness, but truly to another penal servitude, maybe no better than this one! No better, Alexei, I tell you truly, no better! This America, devil take it, I hate it already! So Grusha will be with me, but look at her: is she an American woman? She’s Russian, every little bone of her is Russian, she’ll pine for her native land, and I’ll see all the time that she’s pining away for my sake, that she has taken up such a cross for my sake, and what has she done wrong? And


There are bookish dreams here, sir, there is a heart chafed by theories;


Our own humble and meek ones, fasters and keepers of silence, will arise and go forth for a great deed.