Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 72 | Just Great DataBase

Brother, in these past two months I’ve sensed a new man in me, a new man has arisen in me! He was shut up inside me, but if it weren’t for this thunderbolt, he never would have appeared.


It’s better to be unhappy and know, than to be happy and live… as a fool. You appear not to believe for one moment that you have a rival, and… in that quarter?


Чтобы беспристрастно судить о некоторых людях, нужно заранее отказаться от иных предвзятых взглядов и от обыденной привычки к обыкновенно окружающим нас людям и предметам.


Love one another, fathers, the elder taught (as far as Alyosha could recall afterwards). Love God’s people. For we are not holier than those in the world because we have come here and shut ourselves within these walls, but, on the contrary, anyone who comes here, by the very fact that he has come, already knows himself to be worse than all those who are in the world, worse than all on earth … And the longer a monk lives within his walls, the more keenly he must be aware of it. For


Inventors and geniuses, at the beginning of their careers (and very often at the end as well), have almost always been regarded in society as no more than fools—that is a most routine observation, well known to everyone.


No, life is only given to me once and I shall never have it again ... #YOLO!!


You will behold great sorrow, and in this sorrow be happy.


Latterly he tormented me, too: it was all quite natural, human beings are created in order to torment one another.


Everyone thinks of himself, and he lives most gaily who knows best how to deceive himself.


But when he knows that he is not only worse than all those in the world, but is also guilty before all people, on behalf of all and for all,2 for all human sins, the world’s and each person’s, only then will the goal of our unity be achieved.


But we realize precisely that if there is no legal right here, there’s a human right, a natural one; the right of common sense and the voice of conscience, and even though this right of ours is not written down in any rotten human code of law, a decent and honest man, a right-thinking man, that’s to say, is obliged to remain a decent and honest man even on those points that aren’t written down in the law books.


Hm... yes, all is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom.


Faith does not, in the realist, spring from the miracle but the miracle from faith.


the old general’6 would visit them at Sparrow Hills. He did his work with great seriousness and devotion; he arrived, walked along the ranks of the convicts, who surrounded him, stopped before each one, asked each about his needs, hardly ever gave anyone a lecture, called them all ‘dear friends’. He gave money, sent necessary items – foot-bindings, foot-rags, linen, sometimes brought edifying books and distributed them to each man who could read, in the full conviction that they would be read en route and that those who could read would read them aloud to those who could not. About crime he rarely asked any questions, though he would listen if a criminal began to talk. All the criminals were on an equal footing as far as he was concerned, there were no distinctions. He talked to them like brothers, but towards the end they began to view him as a father.


If one wants to know any man well, one must consider him gradually and carefully, so as not to fall into error and prejudice, which are very difficult to correct and smooth out later.


Indeed, people speak sometimes about the ‘animal’ cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to animals, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel.


…если говорят про вас, что у вас ум… то есть что вы больны иногда умом, то это несправедливо; я так решила и спорила, потому что хоть вы и в самом деле больны умом (вы, конечно, на это не рассердитесь, я с высшей точки говорю), то зато главный ум у вас лучше, чем у них у всех, такой даже, какой им и не снился, потому что есть два ума: главный и не главный. Так? Ведь так?


To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. In the first case you are a man, in the second you're no better than a bird.


There’s the Holy Ghost and there’s the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can appear as other birds- sometimes as a swallow, sometimes a goldfinch and sometimes as a blue-tit. How do you know him from an ordinary tit? He speaks. How does he speak, in what language? Human language. And what does he tell you? Why, to-day he told me that a fool would visit me and would ask me unseemly questions. You


Կրո՜նը: Հավիտենական կյանքը ես հնարավոր եմ համարում և, գուցե միշտ էլ համարում էի: Թող որ գեղեցկությունը վառվել է բարձրագույն ուժի կամքով, թող որ այդ կամքը նայել է աշխարհին ու ասել` ես կամ, և թող որ հենց այդ բարձրագույն ուժը հանկարծ գիտակցությանը պատվիրագրել է ոչնչանալ, որովհետև չգիտես ինչու և նույնիսկ առանց բացատրության` թե ինչու, դա պետք է, թող ես այդ բոլորը հնարավոր եմ համարում, բայց դարձյալ նույն հավիտենական հարցը` ինչու՞ է անհրաժեշտ իմ հնազանդվելը: Մի՞թե չի կարելի ինձ ուղղակի ուտել առանց ինձնից գովասանք պահանջելու նրա հասցեին, ինչը ինձ կերավ: