Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 76 | Just Great DataBase

As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naïve and simple-hearted than we suppose. And we ourselves are, too.


He never did anything to me, it's true, but I once played a most shameless nasty trick on him, and the moment I did it, I immediately hated him for it.


Love in dreams thirsts for immediate action, quickly performed, and with everyone watching. Indeed, it will go as far as the giving even of one’s life, provided it does not take long but is soon over, as on stage, and everyone is looking on and praising. Whereas active love is labor and perseverance, and for some people, perhaps, a whole science.


Leemos el Evangelio tan sólo en vísperas de nuestros discursos, para brillar, mediante el conocimiento de una obra originalísima, con la que se pueden obtener efectos a 'medida'.


Still, if there was anything, it came about by no one else’s power save the divine will. Everything is from God.


Dakiklik, kralların nezaketidir.


I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant’s wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God’s shrine


Bence insanların ayrılırken tanışmaları en iyi yoldur.


See how firmly Alexei Fyodorovich endures his misfortune.


Towards the end of his life he became a Liberal of the type common in the forties and fifties.


Oh, Karamazov, I am deeply unhappy.


İnsanı doyur, sonra erdem iste ondan.


And add at once: it is not in my pride that I pray for it, Lord, for I myself am more vile than all


The Brothers Karamazov is a joyful book.


Nenorocirea altuia nu sădeşte în mintea nimănui înţelepciunea.


Indeed, people speak sometimes about the ‘animal’ cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to animals, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. A tiger simply gnaws and tears, that is all he can do. It would never occur to him to nail people by their ears overnight, even if he were able to do it.


We can be enthused by—yes, that’s right, enthused—by the noblest of ideals, but only on condition that we don’t have to expend any effort, that we don’t have to make any sacrifices, and above all on condition that the ideals can be achieved free, gratis, that we needn’t pay anything. Paying is something we really resent; on the other hand, receiving, that’s really up our street, and that goes for everything. Let’s have every kind of blessing (nothing less will do, it must be every kind) and, whatever happens, let no one tell us what to do on any score, and then we too shall prove that we can be all sweetness and light.


Oh, Karamazov, I am deeply unhappy. I sometimes imagine God only knows what, that everyone is laughing at me, the entire world, and at such moments, at such moments I am quiet simply ready to annihilate the entire order of things.


Nu înțeleg cum de o ființă umană caldă, distinsă și plină de candoare, cu mintea dezghețată și o gândire superioară, activă, pornește în viață cu idealul Madonei și sfârșește, în cele din urmă, cu păcatul Sodomei în suflet. Și mai cumplit este când cel ajuns cu idealul Sodomei în suflet nu neagă idealul Madonei, simțindu-și inima cum arde, și arde, arde într-adevăr, așa cum arde în piept iubirea inocentă din anii tinereții noastre. Nu, sufletul omului este de-a dreptul uriaș, e mult prea mare pentru cât îi este necesar și eu l-aș micșora. Doar dracu știe ce se întâmplă!... Ceea ce crezi cu minte că e rușine pentru inimă este frumusețea supremă. Poate exista oare frumusețe sodomică? Crede-mă, Alioșa, poate că nu știai acest lucru, pentru imensa majoritate a oamenilor, adevărata frumusețe este însăși Sodoma! Faptul că frumusețea este un mare mister într-adevăr, cumplit! În această privință, eu cred că există o luptă necontenită între diavol și Dumnezeu, iar câmpul de luptă se află în inimile noastre.


unfortunately, these young men do not understand that the sacrifice of life is, perhaps, the easiest of all sacrifices in many cases, while to sacrifice, for example, five or six years of their ebulliently youthful life to hard, difficult studies, to learning, in order to increase tenfold their strength to serve the very truth and the very deed that they loved and set out to accomplish—such sacrifice is quite often almost beyond the strength of many of them.