Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 77 | Just Great DataBase

he was already fifty years old, the age at which an intelligent and worldly man of means always becomes more respectful of himself, sometimes even against his own will.


el socialismo no es sólo una doctrina obrera, sino que representa el ateísmo en su forma contemporánea;


Young man, be not forgetful of prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage, and you will understand that prayer is an education.


Do not answer, be silent. After all, what could you say? I know too well what you would say. And you have no right to add anything to what you already said once.


Ahora o nos horrorizamos o fingimos que nos horrorizamos mientras saboreamos el espectáculo como amantes de las emociones fuertes, extravagantes, que animan nuestro ocio cínico e indolente; o como niños pequeños espantamos con las manos a los fantasmas terribles y escondemos la cabeza en la almohada hasta que pase la terrible visión, para poco después olvidarla entre diversiones y juegos. Pero en algún momento también nosotros tendremos que empezar a vivir juiciosa y reflexivamente, también nosotros tendremos que dirigir la mirada hacia nosotros mismos como sociedad, también nosotros tendremos que comprender, aunque sea un poco, nuestra cosa pública o, al menos, establecer los inicios para su comprensión.


Alyosha exclaimed. I think that everyone should love life before everything else in the world. Love life more than its meaning? Certainly, love it before logic, as you say, certainly before logic, and only then will I also understand its meaning.


I have a longing for life, and I go on living in spite of logic.


But, my God! Katerina Ivanovna suddenly cried out, clasping her hands. And he! He could be so dishonest, so inhuman! He told


Alyosha, was not at all a fanatic, and, in my view at least, even not at all a mystic. I will give my full opinion beforehand: he was simply an early lover of mankind,1 and if he threw himself into the monastery path, it was only because it alone struck him at the time and presented him, so to speak, with an ideal way out for his soul struggling from the darkness of worldly wickedness towards the light of love. And this path struck him only because on it at that time he met a remarkable being, in his opinion, our famous monastery elder Zosima, to whom he became attached with all the ardent first love of his unquenchable heart.


And you still did not think of washing your hands even as you entered Mr. Perkhotin’s? In other words, you were not afraid of arousing suspicion?


Hate not the atheists, the teachers of evil, the materialists- and I mean not only the good ones- for there are many good ones among them, especially in our day- hate not even the wicked ones.


...страдание-то и есть жизнь. Без страдания какое было бы в ней удовольствие: всё обратилось бы в один бесконечный молебен: оно свято, но скучновато.


Here, brother, contempt is no use, even if he does despise Grushenka. He may despise her, but he still can’t tear himself away from her.


As to age, General Epanchin was in the very prime of life; that is, about fifty-five years of age,—the flowering time of existence, when real enjoyment of life begins. His


No, you have not, so as not to add to what has already been said once, and so as not to deprive people of freedom, for which you stood so firmly when you were on earth. Anything you proclaim anew will encroach upon the freedom of men’s faith, for it will come as a miracle, and the freedom of their faith was the dearest of all things to you, even then, one and a half thousand years ago. Was it not you who so often said then:I want to make you free?18


When she was given a kopeck, she would accept it and at once take it and put it in some poor box in the church or prison. When she was given a roll or a bun in the marketplace, she always went and gave this roll or bun to the first child she met, or else she would stop some one of our wealthiest ladies and give it to her; and the ladies would even gladly accept it. She herself lived only on black bread and water.


But, as so often happens, crimes committed with extraordinary boldness are more likely to succeed than any others.


As a child he was fond of hanging cats and then burying them with ceremony.


Life is full of the comic and is only majestic in its inner sense,


Why didst Thou reject that last gift? Had Thou accepted that last offer of the mighty spirit, Thou wouldst have accomplished all that man seeks on earth-- that is, someone to worship, someone to keep his conscience, and some means of uniting all in one unanimous and harmonious ant heap, because the craving for universal unity is the third and last anguish of men. Mankind as a whole has always striven to organize a universal state.