Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 87 | Just Great DataBase

But if you are convinced that one mustn't listen at doors, but one may murder old women at one's pleasure, you'd better be off to America and make haste. Run, young man! There may still be time. I'm speaking sincerely. Haven't you the money? I'll give you the fare.


Votre cœur vaut mieux que votre tête.


can think for myself.... I am not opposed to Christ, if you like. He was a most humane person, and if He were alive to-day, He would be found in the ranks of the revolutionists, and would perhaps play a conspicuous part.... There's no doubt about that.


ტყუილი მუდამ ეპატიება ადამიანს; კარგიც კი არის იმიტომ, რომ სიმართლეს აჩენს ბოლოს. ის არის საწყენი, რომ სტყუიან და თავიანთ სიცრუეს თვითონვე სცემენ თაყვანს.


¿de veras crees que todo el movimiento católico de los últimos siglos no se ha inspirado exclusivamente en la sed de poder, sin perseguir otro objetivo que los bienes terrenales? Esto


Amad a toda la creación en conjunto y a cada uno de sus elementos: amad a cada hoja del ramaje, a cada rayo de luz, a los animales, a las plantas... Amando a las cosas comprenderéis el misterio divino de todas ellas. Y una vez comprendido, penetraréis en esta comprensión cada vez más. Y terminaréis por amar al mundo entero con un amor universal.


In a morbid condition, dreams are often distinguished by their remarkably graphic, vivid, and extremely lifelike quality.


El hombre sufre sobre la tierra males sin cuento. No creas que soy solamente un fantoche vestido de oficial, que lo único que sabe es beber y hacer el crápula. La humillación, herencia del hombre: tal es casi el único objeto de mi pensamiento. Dios me preserva de mentir y de envanecerme. Pienso en ese hombre humillado, porque soy yo mismo.


You must know that there is nothing higher, or stronger, or sounder, or more useful afterwards in life, than some good memory, especially a memory from childhood, from the parental home. You hear a lot said about your education, yet some such beautiful, sacred memory, preserved from childhood, is perhaps the best education. If a man stores up many such memories to take into life, then he is saved for his whole life. And even if only one good memory remains with us in our hearts, that alone may serve some day for our salvation.


Un proverbio ruso dice que el que persigue varias liebres a la vez no caza ninguna.


¿Eres Tú o solamente su imagen? No quiero saberlo. Mañana te condenaré y morirás en la hoguera como el peor de los herejes. Y los mismos que hoy te han besado los pies, mañana, a la menor indicación mía, se aprestarán a alimentar la pira encendida para ti. ¿Lo sabes?... Tal vez lo sepas.


Is there in the whole world a being who would have the right to forgive and could forgive? I don't want harmony. From love for humanity I don't want it. I would rather be left with the unavenged suffering. I would rather remain with my unavenged suffering and unsatisfied indignation, even if I were wrong. Besides, too high a price is asked for harmony; it's beyond our means to pay so much to enter on it. And so I hasten to give back my entrance ticket, and if I am an honest man I am bound to give it back as soon as possible. And that I am doing. It's not God that I don't accept . . . only I most respectfully return him the ticket.


Yo soy un hombre, y lo soy precisamente porque me equivoco. Nadie llega a una verdad sin haberse equivocado catorce veces, o ciento catorce, y esto es, acaso, un honor para el género humano. Pero no sabemos ser originales ni siquiera para equivocarnos. Un error original acaso valga más que una verdad insignificante. La verdad siempre se encuentra; en cambio, la vida puede enterrarse para siempre


Porque el socialismo no es sólo una doctrina obrera, sino que representa el ateísmo en su forma contemporánea; es la cuestión de la torre de Babel, que se construyó a espaldas de Dios no por alcanzar el cielo desde la tierra, sino por bajar a la tierra el cielo.


Alyosha, she murmured again, look out the door, see if mama is eavesdropping. Very well, Lise, I will look, only wouldn’t it be better not to look? Why suspect your mother of such meanness? Meanness? What meanness? That she’s eavesdropping on her daughter is her right, it’s not meanness, Lise flared up. And you may rest assured, Alexei Fyodorovich, that when I myself am a mother and have a daughter like me, I shall certainly eavesdrop on her. Really, Lise? That’s not good. Oh, my God, what’s mean about it? If it were an ordinary social conversation and I eavesdropped,


dar uite, ce spuneti: cum sa deosebim aceste persoane neobisnuite de cele obisnuite? au oare de la nastere un semn distinctiv? spun in sensul ca ar trebui sa fie o mai mare exactitate, o mai mare diferentiere exterioara; va rog sa-mi iertati nelinistea fireasca a unui om mai practic si bine intentionat, dar n-am putea oare sa le dam niste haine anume, de exemplu, sa poarte un fel de insemne acolo, nu?... Pentru ca, va rog sa fiti de acord, daca se va intampla o incurcatura si unul dintr-o categorie isi va imagina ca face parte din cealalta si va incepe sa "indeparteze toate obstacolele"....


J’ai renoncé depuis longtemps à me demander si c’est Dieu qui a créé l’homme, ou l’homme qui a créé Dieu.


Дети, пока дети, до семи лет например, страшно отстоят от людей: совсем будто другое существо и с другою природой.


Bezrazložan i besciljan nemir u sadašnjosti, a u budućnosti tek neprekidne žrtve kojima neće ništa postići - eto što ga čeka na ovome svijetu. I što vrijedi što će mu za osam godina biti tek trideset dvije godine i što će mu iznova započeti život? Čemu da živi? Na što da računa? Čemu da teži? Zar da živi samo zato da opstoji? Pa i prije je bio tisuću puta voljan žrtvovati život za ideju, za nadu, pa čak i za tlapnju. Goli život nikad mu nije bio dovoljan; uvijek je htio nešto više. Možda je samo zbog svojih želja držao tada sebe za čovjeka kome je dopušteno više nego drugima.


Pues has de saber que jamás se han creído los hombres tan libres como ahora, aun habiendo depositado humildemente su libertad a nuestros pies. En realidad, esto ha sido obra nuestra. ¿Es esta la libertad que Tú soñabas?