Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 91 | Just Great DataBase

Man is neither angel nor beast, and the misfortune is that he who wishes to be an angel becomes a beast’ (Blaise Pascal).


Огарок уже давно погасал в кривом подсвечнике, тускло освещая в этой нищенской комнате убийцу и блудницу, странно сошедшихся за чтением вечной книги.


Love in dreams is greedy for immediate action, rapidly performed and in the sight of all. Men will even give their lives if only the ordeal does not last long but is soon over, with all looking on and applauding as though on the stage. But active love is labor and fortitude, and for some people too, perhaps, a complete science.


...от высшей гармонии совершенно отказываюсь. Не стоит она слезинки хотя бы одного только того замученного ребенка, который бил себя кулаченком в грудь и молился в зловонной конуре своей неискупленными слезками своими к "боженьке"! Не стоит потому что слезки его остались неискупленными. Они должны быть искуплены, иначе не может быть и гармонии!


Well, when one has no one, nowhere else one can go! For every man must have somewhere to go. Since there are times when one absolutely must go somewhere!


¿Ves esas piedras en ese árido desierto? Conviértelas en panes y la humanidad seguirá tus pasos como un rebaño dócil y agradecido, pero, al mismo tiempo, temeroso de que retires la mano y se acaben los panes. No quisiste privar al hombre de libertad y rechazaste la proposición, considerando que era incompatible con la obediencia comprada con los panes.


The old man himself points out to him that he has no right to add anything to what has already been said once. That, if you like, is the most basic feature of Roman Catholicism, in my opinion at least: ‘Everything,’ they say, ‘has been handed over by you to the pope, therefore everything now belongs to the pope, and you may as well not come at all now, or at least don’t interfere with us for the time being.


¡Feliz el hombre que no tiene nada que guardar bajo llave!


Love one another, Fathers, said Father Zossima, as far as Alyosha could remember afterwards. Love God’s people. Because we have come here and shut ourselves within these walls, we are no holier than those that are outside, but on the contrary, from the very fact of coming here, each of us has confessed to himself that he is worse than others, than all men on earth... And the longer the monk lives in his seclusion, the more keenly he must recognize that. Else he would have had no reason to come here. When he realizes that he is not only worse than others, but that he is responsible to all men for all and everything, for all human sins, national and individual, only then the aim of our seclusion is attained. For know, dear ones, that every one of us is undoubtedly responsible for all men and everything on earth, not merely through the general sinfulness of creation, but each one personally for all mankind and every individual man. This knowledge is the crown of life for the monk and for every man. For monks are not a special sort of men, but only what all men ought to be. Only through that knowledge, our heart grows soft with infinite, universal, inexhaustible love. Then every one of you will have the power to win over the whole world by love and to wash away the sins of the world with your tears... Each of you keep watch over your heart and confess your sins to yourself unceasingly. Be not afraid of your sins, even when perceiving them, if only there be penitence, but make no conditions with God. Again I say, Be not proud. Be proud neither to the little nor to the great. Hate not those who reject you, who insult you, who abuse and slander you. Hate not the atheists, the teachers of evil, the materialists—and I mean not only the good ones—for there are many good ones among them, especially in our day—hate not even the wicked ones. Remember them in your prayers thus: Save, O Lord, all those who have none to pray for them, save too all those who will not pray. And add: it is not in pride that I make this prayer, O Lord, for I am lower than all men... Love God’s people, let not strangers draw away the flock, for if you slumber in your slothfulness and disdainful pride, or worse still, in covetousness, they will come from all sides and draw away your flock. Expound the Gospel to the people unceasingly... be not extortionate... Do not love gold and silver, do not hoard them... Have faith. Cling to the banner and raise it on high.


Pa otuđenosti koja posvuda vlada, osobito u ovo naše doba, samo što još nije došao kraj, što joj nije istekao rok. Jer svatko se sad nastoji što više izdvojiti, želi u sebi samom doživjeti punoću života, samo što posljedica svih tih napora nije punoća života nego tek samoubojstvo, jer umjesto potpunog razvoja svoga bića ljudi zapadaju u posvemašnju otuđenost. Svi su se u ovo naše doba podijelili na jedinice, svatko se zavlači u svoju rupu, svatko se odalečuje od svakoga, skriva se sam i ono što ima, i na kraju se sam odbija od ljudi i odbija ljude od sebe. Osamljen čovjek zgrće bogatstvo i misli: kako sam sad moćan, i kako sam zbrinut, a ne zna luđak da se, što više zgrće, to dublje uvaljuje u samoubojstvenu nemoć. Jer, navikao se uzdati u sama sebe i odvajati se kao jedinica od cjeline, navikao je dušu da ne vjeruje u ljudsku potporu, u ljude i u čovječanstvo, i samo strepi da mu ne propadne novac i prava koja je stekao. Dan-danas posvuda podrugljivi ljudski um neće da shvati da prava sigurnost pojedinca ne leži u izdvojenim osobnim naporima nego u ljudskom zajedništvu.


Reason is the slave of passion, you know.


Nos buscarán bajo tierra, en las catacumbas, como antaño, donde estaremos ocultos (porque otra vez se nos perseguirá) y nos dirán: 'Dadnos de comer, pues los que nos prometieron la luz del cielo no nos la han dado'. Entonces terminarán su torre, pues para ello sólo hace falta alimentarlos, y nosotros los alimentaremos, haciéndoles creer que hablamos en tu nombre. Sin nuestra ayuda, siempre estarían hambrientos. No existe ninguna ciencia que les dé pan mientras permanezcan libres; por eso acabarán por poner su libertad a nuestros pies diciendo: 'Hacednos vuestros esclavos, pero dadnos de comer'. Habrán comprendido al fin que la libertad no se puede conciliar con el pan de la tierra, porque jamás sabrán repartírselo. Y, al mismo tiempo, se convencerán de su impotencia para vivir libremente, por su debilidad, su nulidad, su depravación y su propensión a la rebeldía.


Padres míos, ¿qué es el infierno? Yo lo defino como el sufrimiento de no poder amar. En un punto, en un instante del espacio y del tiempo infinitos, un ser espiritual tiene la posibilidad, mediante su aparición en la tierra, de decirse: 'Existo y amo'. Sólo por una vez se le ha concedido un momento de amor activo y viviente. Para este fin se le ha dado la vida terrestre, de tiempo limitado.


Pronto cayó en un profundo desvarío, o, mejor, en una especie de embotamiento, y prosiguió su camino sin ver o, más exactamente, sin querer ver nada de lo que le rodeaba. De


De su mirada había desaparecido la altivez, para ceder su puesto a una especie de brillante dulzura a la que a veces se mezclaban maléficos resplandores. Esto


Enough, dear son, enough, my friend, he said at last with deep feeling. What is it? You should rejoice and not weep. Don’t you know that this is the greatest of his days?


Enough," he pronounced resolutely and triumphantly. "I've done with fancies, imaginary terrors and phantoms! Life is real! haven't I lived just now? My life has not yet died with that old woman! The Kingdom of Heaven to her--and now enough, madam, leave me in peace! Now for the reign of reason and light... and of will, and of strength... and now we will see! We will try our strength!" he added defiantly, as though challenging some power of darkness. "And I was ready to consent to live in a square of space!


Nous les persuaderons qu’ils ne seront vraiment libres qu’en abdiquant leur liberté en notre faveur. Eh bien, dirons-nous la vérité ou mentirons-nous? Ils se convaincront eux-mêmes que nous disons vrai, car ils se rappelleront dans quelle servitude, dans quel trouble les avait plongés ta liberté.


Uvjeravaju nas da se svijet,što dalje, to više ujedinjuje i stupa u bratske odnose time što skraćuje udaljenosti i prenosi misli kroz zrak. Ah, ne vjerujte u takvo ujedinjavanje ljudi! Shvaćajući slobodu kao povećavanje i brzo zadovoljavanje svojih potreba izopačuju svoju narav jer bude u sebi mnogo besmislenih i glupih želja, navika i kojekakvih izmišljotina. Žive samo zato da bi zavidjeli jedan drugome, da bi se razmetali i ugađali tijelu.


It was his wounded pride that made him ill.