She longed to know what at the moment was passing in his mind—in what manner he thought of her, and whether, in defiance of everything, she was still dear to him. Perhaps he had been civil only because he felt himself at ease; yet there had been that in his voice which was not like ease. Whether he had felt more of pain or of pleasure in seeing her she could not tell, but he certainly had not seen her with composure. is indeed a street of so impertinent a nature, so unfortunately connected with the great London and Oxford roads, and the principal inn of the city, that a day never passes in which parties of ladies, however important their business, whether in quest of pastry, millinery, or even (as in the present case) of young men, are not detained on one side or other by carriages, horsemen, or carts. This evil had been felt and lamented, at least three times a day, by Isabella since her residence in Bath...
Se c'è una delle nostre facoltà naturali che può dirsi più meravigliosa delle altre, credo che sia la memoria. Sembra esserci qualcosa di più misterioso e incomprensibile nel potere, nei fallimenti, nelle ineguaglianze della memoria che non delle altre facoltà dell'intelletto. La memoria è talora così tenace, così servizievole, così obbediente... ma altre volte sembra così confusa e così debole... e altre ancora così tirannica, così incontrollabile! Noi siamo sicuramente un miracolo sotto ogni aspetto... ma il nostro potere di ricordare e di dimenticare sembra qualcosa di particolarmente indecifrabile.
Remember," cried Willoughby, "from whom you received the account. Could it be an impartial one? I acknowledge that her situation and character ought to have been respected by me. I do not mean to justify myself, but at the same time cannot leave you to suppose that I have nothing to urge--that because she was injured, she was irreproachable, and because I was a libertine, she must be a saint...