William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 108 | Just Great DataBase

These be fine things, an if they be not sprites.That'said a brave god and bears celestial liquor.I will kneel to him.--Caliban Act II, scene 2, lines 116-118)


– Что вы читаете, принц? – Слова, слова, слова…


OTHELLO [Rising.]                         O, she was foul!— I scarce did know you, uncle; there lies your niece, Whose breath, indeed, these hands have newly stopp'd: I know this act shows horrible and grim. GRATIANO Poor Desdemona! I am glad thy father's dead: Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief Shore his old thread in twain: did he live now, This sight would make him do a desperate turn, Yea, curse his better angel from his side, And fall to reprobance. OTHELLO 'Tis pitiful; but yet Iago knows That she with Cassio hath


There's a great spirit gone! Thus did I desire it.What our contempts doth often hurl from us,We wish it ours again. The present pleasure,By revolution lowering, does becomeThe opposite of itself. She's good, being gone.The hand could pluck her back that shoved her on.


If a man do not erect in this age his own tomb ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps


opere teatrali scritte da Guglielmo Shakespeare. Da dove abbia tolto l'idea di questa divina fantasia lirica, non si può stabilire con precisione. Il Warton cita un romanzo italiano—Aurelio e Isabella—che fu popolarissimo in Inghilterra verso il 1588 e nel quale per fino il personaggio principale di Aurelio o meglio Orelio,


King. [Rising] My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.        Words without thoughts never to heaven go. [


Mas almas ciumentas não funcionam assim. Elas nunca são ciumentas porque há uma causa, mas sim porque são ciumentas. Este é um monstro gerado em si mesmo e de si mesmo nascido.


There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd.


How much better to weep at joy than to joy at weeping!


Hay más cosas en el cielo y en la Tierra, Horacio, de las que contempla tu filosofía.


My particular grief Is of so flood-gate and o'erbearing nature That it engluts and swallows other sorrows, And it is still itself.


Pero derrochar el tiempo que le llama cual tambor con la fuerza de su rango y del nuestro, debe reprenderse como se riñe al muchacho que, maduro, por un placer fugaz sacrifica la cordura traicionando a la razón.


Ma la virilità si è tutta smammolata in coccolette; il coraggio svaporato in complimenti, e gli uomini sono diventati tutti lingua, come dei pappagalli ammaestrati. Oggi è più valente di un Ercole chi sa meglio mentire e spergiurare. Non posso diventare uomo di mia volontà, e allora morirò donna per disperazione.


It harrows me with fear and wonder.


Par l'univers ! Je crois que ma femme est honnête et qu'elle ne l'est pas ; je crois que tu es probe et que tu ne l'es pas ; je veux avoir quelque preuve. Son nom, qui était pur comme le visage de Diane, est maintenant terni et noir comme ma face !... S'il y a encore des cordes ou des couteaux, des poisons ou du feu ou des flots suffocants, je n'endurerai pas cela ! Oh ! avoir la certitude !


ALEXASLo último que hizo, Majestad, fue dar un beso, el último de miles, a esta perla oriental. Sus palabras se clavaron en mi pecho.CLEOPATRA Y de ahí mi oído ha de arrancarlas.ALEXAS«Buen amigo —dice—, haz saber que el fiel romano envía a la gran egipcia el tesoro de una ostra y que, además, por compensar tan vil regalo, rodearé su rico trono de otros reinos. Todo el Oriente —díselo— la llamará señora». Saludó y con dignidad montó un airoso corcel, que relinchó con tal brío que silenció brutalmente mi respuesta.


It were a better death than die with mocks, 84 Which is as bad as die with tickling.


Честолюбецът е човек, чиято същина е само сянката от един сън.


I will deny thee nothing: Whereon, I do beseech thee, grant me this, To leave me but a little to myself.