Gatsby croyait en la lumière verte, en l'extatique avenir qui d'année en année recule devant nous. Il nous a échappé ! Qu'importe ! Demain nous courrons plus vite, nos bras s'étendront plus loin... Et un beau matin...C'est ainsi que nous avançons, barques luttant contre un courant qui nous rejette sans cesse vers le passé.
Anh muốn tìm lại một cái gì đó - một quan niệm về mình chăng - đã mất đi khi anh đem lòng yêu Daisy. Cuộc đời anh đã trở nên lộn xộn và bừa bãi từ ngày ấy, nhưng giá anh có thể dù chỉ một lần thôi trở lại một điểm xuất phát nào đấy và chầm chậm đi lại quãng đường đã qua, may ra anh sẽ tìm ra được cái đó là gì...
– Я, видишь ли, думаю, что все равно на свете ничего хорошего нет, – продолжала она убежденно. – И все так думают – даже самые умные, самые передовые люди. А я не только думаю, я знаю. Ведь я везде побывала, все видела, все попробовала. – Она вызывающе сверкнула глазами, совсем как Том, и рассмеялась звенящим, презрительным смехом. – Многоопытная и разочарованная, вот я какая.
I told that boy about the ice. These people! You have to keep after them all the time.
Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! I'll say it whenever I want to Daisy!
I married him because I thought he was a gentleman. I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe.
The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody's best suit to get married in and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out.
Don't believe everything you hear, Nick.
I found out what your 'drug-stores' were. He and this Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That's one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and I wasn't far wrong.
What if I did tell him? That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your eyes just like he did in Daisy's but he was a tough one. He ran over Myrtle like you'd run over a dog and never even stopped his car.
Oh, you want too much! I love you now – isn't that enough? I can't help what's past.I did love him once – but I loved you too.