To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes - Page 14 | Just Great DataBase


. . . you’ve got to do something about her, Aunty was saying. You’ve let things go on too long, Atticus, too long. I don’t see any harm in letting her go out there. Cal’d look after her there as well as she does here. Who was the her they were talking about? My heart sank: me. I felt the starched walls of a pink cotton penitentiary closing in on me, and for the second time in my life I thought of running away. Immediately. Atticus,


Мужність - це коли знаєш, що програв свою справу, ще не розпочавши, але все одно берешся до неї.


What’s a Hot Steam? asked Dill. Haven’t you ever walked along a lonesome road at night and passed by a hot place? Jem asked Dill. A Hot Steam’s somebody who can’t get to heaven, just wallows around on lonesome roads an‘ if you walk through him, when you die you’ll be one too, an’ you’ll go around at night suckin‘ people’s breath— How can you keep from passing through one? You can’t, said Jem. Sometimes they stretch all the way across the road, but if you hafta go through one you say, ‘Angel-bright, life-in-death; get off the road, don’t suck my breath.’ That keeps ‘em from wrapping around you—


Ніколи, ніколи, ніколи під час перехресного допиту не можна ставити свідкові питання, на яке ви самі не знаєте відповіді, - ось принцип, який я затямила з колиски. Постав таке питання - й отримаєш відповідь, якої не хочеш, яка може зруйнувати увесь твій захист.


Tidak selalu perlu menunjukkan semua yang kita ketahui. Itu bukan sikap perempuan terhormat. Kedua, orang tak suka kalau ada orang lain yang lebih tahu dari mereka. Itu membuat mereka sebal.


Kış günleri beni saatlerce ağaçevde oturmuş okul bahçesini seyrederken görebilirdiniz, Jem'in bana verdiği, büyütme gücü iki olan teleskopla o çocuk kalabalığına bakar, onların oyunlarını öğrenir, körebe oynayan ve yerinde duramayan çocuk grubunun içinde Jem'in kırmızı ceketini takip eder, gizlice onların şanssızlıklarını, küçük zaferlerini paylaşırdım.


the southern edge of town. Tim was a liver-colored bird dog, the pet of Maycomb. What’s he doing? I don’t know, Scout. We better go home.


we came to know Dill as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint fancies. But


Ladies seemed to live in faint horror of men, seemed unwilling to approve wholeheartedly of them. But I liked them. There was something about them, no matter how much they cussed and drank and gambled and chewed; no matter how undelectable they were, there was something about them that I instinctively liked


This is the last straw, Atticus, Aunt Alexandra said. Depends on how you look at it, he said. What was one Negro, more or less, among two hundred of ’em? He wasn’t Tom to them, he was an escaping prisoner. Atticus leaned against the refrigerator, pushed up his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. We had such a good chance, he said. I told him what I thought, but I couldn’t in truth say that we had more than a good chance. I guess Tom was tired of white men’s chances and preferred to take his own.


The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.’ When


Bootleggers caused enough trouble in the Quarters, but women were worse. Again, as I had often met it in my own church, I was confronted with the Impurity of Women doctrine that seemed to preoccupy all clergymen.


All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess.


I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.


It’s alive! she screamed. The


Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion, obliquely expressed, that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was.


Sometimes I think I’m a total failure as a parent, but I’m all they’ve got. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him


— Не трябва винаги да показваш всичко, което знаеш. Такова нещо не подхожда за жени… и после, хората не обичат, когато някой е по-умен от тях. Дразнят се. Ти никого не можеш да промениш, като му приказваш правилно. Хората трябва сами да имат желание да учат, а когато нямат желание, нищо не може да се направи, освен да си мълчиш и да приказваш като тях.


Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house's yo' comp'ny, and don't you let me catch you remarkin' on their ways like you was so high and and mighty! Yo' folks might be better'n the Cunninghams but it don't count for nothin' the way you're disgracin' 'em.


es posible pararle los pies a una turba, simplemente porque continúan siendo seres humanos.


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People in their right minds never take pride in their talents, said


I do my best to love everybody... I'm hard put, sometimes - baby, it's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you.


(When Alabama seceded from the Union on January 11, 1861, Winston County seceded from Alabama, and every child in Maycomb County knew it.) North Alabama was full of Liquor Interests, Big Mules, steel companies, Republicans, professors, and other persons of no background.


-Uno es valiente cuando, sabiendo que ha perdido ya antes de empezar, empieza a pesar de todo y sigue hasta el final pase lo que pase.


but before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself.


Before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself


Avery said it was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobeyed their parents, smoked cigarettes and made war on each other, the seasons would change: Jem and I were burdened with the guilt of contributing to the aberrations of nature, thereby causing unhappiness to our neighbours and discomfort to ourselves.


When I pointed to him his palms slipped slightly, leaving greasy sweat streaks on the wall, and he hooked his thumbs in his belt. A strange small spasm shook him, as if he heard fingernails scrape slate, but as I gazed at him in wonder the tension slowly drained from his face. His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor’s image blurred with my sudden tears. Hey, Boo, I said.


Seventeen bullet holes in him.


Aver coraggio significa sapere di essere sconfitti prima ancora di cominciare, e cominciare ugualmente e arrivare fino in fondo, qualsiasi cosa succeda. È raro vincere, ma qualche volta succede.


They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it – seems that only children weep.


you saw something come between them and reason. You saw the same thing that night in front of the jail. When that crew went away, they didn’t go as reasonable men, they went because we were there. There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads—they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins.


Neighbours bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbour. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good luck pennies, and our lives.


First thing you learn when you’re in a lawin’ family is that there ain’t any definite answers to anything.


uno debe mentir en ciertas circunstancias, en particular cuando no puede modificar las circunstancias. —Hemos


He looked all Negro to me: he was rich chocolate with flaring nostrils and beautiful teeth. Sometimes he would skip happily , and the Negro woman tugged his hand to make him stop.


under the live oaks on the square. Attentive critics of courthouse business, Atticus said


Mr. Tate. He’s good and dead. He won’t hurt these children again.


Єдине, що не підлягає закону більшості, - це власна совість.


Well, most folks seem to think they’re right and you’re wrong. . . . They’re certainly entitled to think that, and they’re entitled to full respect for their opinions, said Atticus, but before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.


Nu ştiu cum, dar au făcut-o. Au făcut-o şi înainte, au făcut-o astă-searăşi au s-o mai facă, şi când fac una ca pare că numai copiii plâng.


anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection


Mr. Avery sat on the porch every


Exista un soi de oameni care ... se gindesc atit de mult la lumea cealalta, incit n-ajung niciodata sa invete cum sa traiasca in lumea asta.


instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.


The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.‘Atticus, he was real nice’. ‘Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.


The remainder of my schooldays were no more auspicious than the first. Indeed, they were an endless Project that slowly evolved into a Unit, in which miles of construction paper and wax crayon were expended by the State of Alabama in its well-meaning but fruitless efforts to teach me Group Dynamics.




Ladies bathed before noon, after their three o'clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft tea-cakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum.