Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 108 | Just Great DataBase

Stupidity is brief and guileless, while wit equivocates and hides. Wit is a scoundrel, while stupidity is honest and sincere.


... when God will chastise a man, He first of all deprives him of his reason....


Ni me cuido ni me he cuidado nunca, pese a la consideración que me inspiran la medicina y los médicos. Además,


No se sentía con fuerzas para preocuparse por su salud


One łajdak doesn’t make a Poland. Keep quiet, pretty boy, eat your candy.


Хүн төрөлхтнийг хайрлах хийсвэр хайр дунд хүн ер нь гагцхүү өөрийгөө л хайрладаг. Гэхдээ таны хувьд огт өөр хэрэг. ... Аминч үзлээс ангид хайрлахыг та л чадна, өөрийнхөө төлөө бус, харин хайрлаж дурласан тэр хүнийхээ төлөө хайрлахыг та л чадна.


Bir insanın hayatını istediği yola sokmak için ne kadar az söz, ne cılız (hem de yapmacık, kitaptan alma, uydurma) bir idil kâfi geldi!İşte bakirelik budur! Tam manasıyla işlenmemiş bir toprak!


бледным ангелом ходит


I sometimes fancy all sorts of things, that every one is laughing at me, the whole world, and then I feel ready to overturn the whole order of things.


Таныг төгс төгөлдөр гэдэгт би оюун, бодол эргэцүүллээрээ хүрсэн юм биш, би зүгээр л тэгж итгэж ирсэн.


Aslında biz ölü doğmuş yaratıklarız; zaten çoktandır canlı olmayan babalardan dünyaya geliyoruz ve bundan da gittikçe daha çok hoşlanıyoruz. Bundan zevk alıyoruz. Yakında bir kolayını bulup doğrudan doğruya fikir dölleri olarak dünyaya geleceğiz.


Comenzó el oficio, triste, grave, solemne...


I must make you one confession, Ivan began. I could never understand how one can love one's neighbors. It's just one's neighbors, to my mind, that one can't love, though one might love those at a distance.


his respect for his spouse and occasional fear of her were so great that it could even be said that he loved her.


donde trato lamentablemente de consolarme (aunque sin éxito) diciéndome que un hombre inteligente no consigue nunca llegar a ser nada y que sólo el imbécil triunfa. Sí,


Nada hay en el mundo más difícil de mantener que la franqueza ni nada más cómodo que la adulación.


I predict that at the very moment when you see despairingly that, despite all your efforts, you have not only not come closer to your goal, but indeed, seem farther from it than ever –at that very moment you will have achieved your goal.


Երբեմն այնքան էր վախենում նրանից, որ նույնիսկ սիրում էր:


Gradually, however, i grew accustomed to this too. I grew accustomed to everything, that is, i didn't actually grow accustomed but somehow agreed of my own free will to grin and bear it.


Es el caso del hombre que cae en poder de un bandido y, después de pasar media hora de angustia mortal, recobra su sangre fría cuando nota la punta del puñal en la garganta.