Fyodor Dostoyevsky Quotes - Page 68 | Just Great DataBase

I swear to you that I am not quite such an ass as I like to appear sometimes, although I am rather an ass, I admit.


Usted está enfermo; él tiene un exceso de bondad,y precisamente esa bondad es lo que le expone a contagiarse.


With love everything is bought, everything is saved. If even I, a sinful man, just like you, was moved to tenderness and felt pity for you, how much more will God be. Love is such a priceless treasure that you can buy the whole world with it, and redeem not only your own but other people's sins.


their reputation of being the spurners of all useless worldly trivia, prejudices and almost everything else in the world except their own interests.


At once I drink to the health of the artist who painted the picture worthy of Gay, because I love all that is "sublime and beautiful.


well, legislators and leaders of men, such as Lycurgus, Solon, Mahomet, Napoleon, and so on, were all without exception criminals, from the very fact that, making a new law, they transgressed the ancient one, handed down from their ancestors and held sacred by the people, and they did not stop short at bloodshed either, if that bloodshed—often of innocent persons fighting bravely in defence of ancient law—were


Браћо, љубав је учитељица, али је треба знати стећи, јер се она тешко стиче, скупо се плаћа, дугим радом и полагано, јер волети треба не случајно и за тренутак, него засвагда.


to age, General Epanchin was in the very prime of life; that is, about fifty-five years of age,—the flowering time of existence, when real enjoyment of life begins. His


ثم إني لا أستطيع العيش، دون أن أمارس على أي أحد بعض سلطتي وأستبدادي


Something new seemed to be accomplishing itself within him, and one of the things that went with it was a kind of craving for people.


Rakitin doesn’t like God, oof, how he doesn’t! That’s the sore spot in all of them! But they conceal it. They lie. They pretend. ‘What, are you going to push for that in the department of criticism?’ I asked. ‘Well, they won’t let me do it openly,’ he said, and laughed. ‘But,’ I asked, ‘how will man be after that? Without God and the future life? It means everything is permitted now, one can do anything?


I’ll report sick;


بالطبع ساعدتني القراءة كثيراً ، وحركت مُخيلتي، وأمدتني بالمسرات والآلام، لكنها كانت في لحظات أخرى، تزعجني حد الموت


As he went down the stairs, he even stopped short, two or three times, as though suddenly struck by some thought. When he was in the street he cried out, "Oh, God, how loathsome it all is! and can I, can I possibly… . No, it's nonsense, it's rubbish!" he added resolutely.


I am speaking about the worst case, if we become bad, Alyosha went on, but why should we become bad, gentlemen, isn’t that true? Let us first of all and before all be kind, then honest, and then—let us never forget one another. I say it again. I give you my word, gentlemen, that for my part I will never forget any one of you; each face that is looking at me now, at this moment, I will remember, be it even after thirty years. Kolya said to Kartashov just now that we supposedly ‘do not care to know of his existence.’ But how can I forget that Kartashov exists and that he is no longer blushing now, as when he discovered Troy, but is looking at me with his nice, kind, happy eyes? Gentlemen, my dear gentlemen, let us all be as generous and brave as Ilyushechka, as intelligent, brave, and generous as Kolya (who will be much more intelligent when he grows up a little), and let us be as bashful, but smart and nice, as Kartashov. But why am I talking about these two? You are all dear to me, gentlemen, from now on I shall keep you all in my heart, and I ask you to keep me in your hearts, too! Well, and who has united us in this good, kind feeling, which we will remember and intend to remember always, all our lives, who, if not Ilyushechka, that good boy, that kind boy, that boy dear to us unto ages of ages! Let us never forget him, and may his memory be eternal and good in


As soon as some of our young ladies cut their hair, put on blue spectacles, and called themselves nihilists, they became convinced at once that, having put on the spectacles, they immediately began to have their own convictions.


وهناك في الأخير أشياء، يخشى المرء أن يكشف عنها، حتى لنفسه هو بالذات


El que sufre reconociendo su error, recibe un castigo que se suma al del penal.  Así


Lord, let man dissolve in prayer! How would I be there underground without God? Rakitin’s lying: if God is driven from the earth, we’ll meet him underground! It’s impossible for a convict to be without God, even more impossible than for a non-convict! And then from the depths of the earth, we, the men underground, will start singing a tragic hymn to God, in whom there is joy! Hail to God and his joy! I love him!


И наконец, мне кажется, мы такие разные люди на вид… по многим обстоятельствам, что, у нас, пожалуй, и не может быть много точек общих, но, знаете, я в эту последнюю идею сам не верю, потому очень часто только так кажется, что нет точек общих, а они очень есть… это от лености людской происходит, что люди так промеж собой на глаз сортируются и ничего не могут найти…