When Atticus came home to dinner he found me crouched down aiming across the street. "What are you shooting at?" "Miss Maudie's rear end."Atticus turned and saw my generous target bending over her bushes. He pushed his hat to the back of his head and crossed the street. "Maudie," he called, "I thought I'd better warn you. You're in considerable peril."Miss Maudie straightened up and looked toward me. She said,"Atticus, you are a devil from hell.
We saw Uncle Jack every Christmas, and every Christmas he yelled across the street for Miss Maudie to come marry him. Miss Mauide would yell back, "Call a little louder, Jack Finch, and they'll hear you the post office, I haven't heard you yet!" Jem and I thought this a strange way to ask for a lady's hand in marriage, but then again Uncle Jack was rather strange.
He declared Egyptians walked that way; I said if they did I didn’t see how they got anything done, but Jem said they accomplished more than the Americans ever did, they invented toilet paper and perpetual embalming, and asked where would we be today if they hadn’t? Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I’d have the facts. There
Calpurnia was to blame for this. It kept me from driving her crazy on rainy days, I guess. She would set me a writing task by scrawling the alphabet firmly across the top of a tablet, then copying out a chapter of the Bible underneath. If I reproduced her penmanship satisfactorily, she rewarded me with an open-faced sandwich of bread and butter and sugar. In Calpurnia’s teaching, there was no sentimentality: I seldom pleased her and she seldom rewarded me. Everybody
– იცოდე, ზედ არ უნდა დავაბიჯოთ, – მითხრა ჯემმა, – ხედავ, ფეხის დადებით დნება.უკან მივიხედე და ატალახებული ნაკვალევი შევამჩნიე. ჯემმა მითხრა, ცოტასაც თუ დადებს, მოვფხეკთ, შევაქუჩებთ და თოვლის კაცს გავაკეთებთო. მე პირი დავაღე და ენის წვერით მომსხო ფანტელი დავიჭირე. დამწვა!– ჯემ, ცხელია!– ცხელი კი არაა, იმდენად ცივია, რომ გწვავს. ოღონდ არ შეჭამო, ტყუილად გააფუჭებ. გაუშვი, დაეცეს.
Не трябва винаги да показваш всичко, което знаеш. Такова нещо не подхожда за жени… и после, хората не обичат, когато някой е по-умен от тях. Дразнят се. Ти никого не можеш да промениш, като му приказваш правилно. Хората трябва сами да имат желание да учат, а когато нямат желание, нищо не може да се направи...
Bah, no es así. La gente saca niños el uno de otro. Pero hay ese hombre, además... ese hombre que tiene una infinidad de niños esperando que les despierten; él les da vida con un soplo...Dill estaba disparado otra vez. Por su cabeza soñadora flotaban cosas hermosas. Podía leer dos libros mientras yo leía uno, pero prefería la magia de sus propias invenciones. Sabía sumar y restar más de prisa que el rayo, pero prefería su mundo entre dos luces, un mundo en el que los niños dormían, esperando que fueran a buscarlos como lirios matutinos. Hablando, hablando se dormía a sí mismo, y me arrastraba a mí con él, pero en la quietud de su isla de niebla se levantó la imagen confusa de una casa gris con unas puertas pardas, tristes.
An' they chased 'n' never could catch him 'cause they didn't know what he looked like, an' Atticus, when they finally saw him, why he hadn’t done any of those things...Atticus, he was real nice... His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me. Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. He turned out the light and went into Jem’s room. He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.
Исках да разбереш нещо от нея, исках да видиш какво означава истинска храброст и да не мислиш, че човек е храбър само когато има оръжие в ръка. Храброст е, когато знаеш, че си победен още преди да започнеш, но въпреки това започваш и се държиш докрай. Тогава много рядко побеждаваш, макар че понякога и това се случва.
When it was time to play Boo's big scene, Jem would sneak into the house, steal the scissors from the sewingmachine drawer when Calpurnia's back was turned, then sit in the swing and cut up newspapers. Dill would walk by, cough at Jem, and Jem would fake a plunge into Dill's thigh. From where I stood it looked real.