He made contact with the others, there must be a resistance, a government in exile. Someone must be out there, taking care of things. I believe in the resistance as I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather, no shadow unless there is also light. There must be a resistance, or where do all the criminals come from, on the television? Any
–Todos deben dejar algo al morir, decía mi abuelo. Un niño o un libro o un cuadro o una casa o una pared o un par de zapatos. O un jardín. Algo que las manos de uno han tocado de algún modo. El alma tendrá entonces adonde ir el día de la muerte, y cuando la gente mire ese árbol, o esa flor, allí estará uno. No
She did not believe he was a monster. He was not a monster, to her. Probably he had some endearing trait: he whistled, offkey, in the shower, he had a yen for truffles, he called his dog Liebchen and made it sit up for little pieces of raw steak. How easy it is to invent a humanity, for anyone at all. What an available temptation. A big child, she would have said to herself. Her heart would have melted, she'd have smoothed the hair back from his forehead, kissed him on the ear, and not just to get something out of him either. The instinct to soothe, to make it better. There there, she'd say, as he woke from a nightmare. Things are so hard for you. All this she would have believed, because otherwise how could she have kept on living? She was very ordinary, under that beauty. She believed in decency, she was nice to the Jewish maid, or nice enough, nicer than she needed to be. Several
El ser humano perfecto debe conservar siempre la calma y la paz de espíritu y no permitir jamas que la pasión o el deseo fugaz turben su tranquilidad. No creo que perseguir el conocimiento sea una excepción. Si el estudio al que te consagras tiende a debilitar tu afecto y a destruir esos placeres sencillos en los cuales no debe intervenir aleación alguna, entonces, ese estudio es inevitablemente negativo, es decir, impropio de la mente humana.