Quotes - Page 532 | Just Great DataBase

My flower is somewhere out there...


There are a great many buttocks in this room. I am no longer used to them.


A thing is valued, she says, only if it is rare and hard to get. We want you to be valued, girls. Think of yourselves as pearls. We, sitting in our rows, eyes down, we make her salivate morally. We are hers to define, we must suffer her adjectives.


Bana birisi bir armağan verdiğinde, sonunda üzülen hep ben olurum.


No juzgar es motivo de esperanza infinita. Todavía creo que perdería algo si olvidara que, como sugería mi padre con cierto esnobismo, y como con cierto esnobismo repito ahora, el más elemental sentido de la decencia se reparte desigualmente al nacer.


Aren’t you worried about, like, forever? Forever is composed of nows,


she read on; but every line proved


can I promise to be wiser than so many of my fellow-creatures if I am tempted, or how am I even


Had Elizabeth been able to encounter his eye, she might have seen how well the expression of heart-felt delight, diffused over his face, became him.


That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There


Dutzende von Haremsgemälden, dicke Frauen, die sich auf Diwanen räkeln, mit Turbanen auf dem Kopf oder Samtkappen; sie wurden mit Pfauenfedern gefächelt, während ein Eunuch im Hintergrund Wache stand. Studien sitzenden Fleisches, von Männern gemalt, die nie im Orient gewesen waren. Solche Bilder galten als erotisch, und ich dachte damals auch, daß sie es seien; doch jetzt verstehe ich, worum es auf diesen Bildern wirklich ging. Es waren Gemälde über das aufgeschobene Leben, über das Warten, über Gegenstände, die nicht in Gebrauch waren. Es waren Gemälde über die Langeweile.Aber vielleicht ist Langeweile erotisch - wenn Frauen sich langweilen - für Männer.


Prăpastia către care cred că te îndrepţi e o prăpastie deosebită, îngrozitoare. Omul care cade nu poate simţi sau auzi cînd a atins fundul. Cade, cade la nesfîrşit. Asta se întîmplă cu oamenii care la un moment dat în viaţă au căutat ceva ce nu puteau găsi în mediul înconjurător. Sau care şi-au închipuit că nu-l pot găsi. Şi care atunci au renunţat să mai caute. Au renunţat încă înainte de a fi început să caute cu adevărat.


every one of the novels. To some the delightful freshness and humour of Northanger Abbey, its completeness, finish, and entrain, obscure the undoubted critical facts that its scale is small, and its scheme, after all, that of burlesque or parody, a kind in which the


He looked at me very gravely, and put his arms around my neck. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone's rifle . . .


There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don’t underrate it.


no empire imposed by force or otherwise has ever been without this feature: control of the indigenous by members of their own group.


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