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Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I’d have the facts. There


His Sons, the fairest of her Daughters Eve. Under a tuft of shade that on a green Stood whispering soft, by a fresh Fountain side They sat them down, and after no more toil Of thir sweet Gardning labour then suffic’d To recommend coole Zephyr, and made ease More easie, wholsom thirst and appetite More grateful, to thir Supper Fruits they fell, Nectarine Fruits which the compliant boughes Yeilded them, side-long as they sat recline On the soft downie Bank damaskt with flours: The savourie pulp they chew, and in the rinde Still as they thirsted scoop the brimming stream; Nor gentle purpose, nor endearing smiles Wanted, nor youthful dalliance as beseems Fair couple, linkt in happie nuptial League, Alone as they. About them frisking playd All Beasts of th’ Earth, since wilde, and of all chase In Wood or Wilderness, Forrest or Den; Sporting the Lion rampd, and in his paw Dandl’d the Kid; Bears, Tygers, Ounces, Pards Gambold before them, th’ unwieldy Elephant To make them mirth us’d all his might, & wreathd His Lithe Proboscis; close the Serpent sly Insinuating, wove with Gordian twine His breaded train, and of his fatal guile Gave proof unheeded; others on the grass Coucht, and now fild with pasture gazing sat, Or Bedward ruminating: for the Sun Declin’d was hasting now with prone carreer To th’ Ocean Iles, and in th’ ascending Scale Of Heav’n the Starrs that usher Evening rose: When Satan still in gaze, as first he stood, Scarce thus at length faild speech recoverd sad. O Hell! what doe mine eyes with grief behold, Into our room of bliss thus high advanc’t Creatures of other mould, earth-born perhaps, Not


The more difficult it was to love the particular man beside us, the more we believed in Love, abstract and total. We were waiting, always, for the incarnation. That word, made flesh. And sometimes it happened, for a time. That kind of love comes and goes and is hard to remember afterwards, like pain. You would look at the man one day and you would think, I loved you, and the tense would be past, and you would be filled with a sense of wonder, because it was such an amazing and precarious and dumb thing to have done (...)


Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection." Here he looks us over. "All," he repeats. "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence


Dear Kitty, Nothing special going on here.


Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.Vậy mà, từ trên cao này, dãy cửa sổ vàng vọt kia của chúng tôi chắc cũng đang dự phần phô diễn những bí ẩn nhân sinh cho ai đó đang lơ đãng nhìn lên từ dưới những đường phố đang tối dần kia, và chính tôi cũng là người ấy, đang ngẩng nhìn và tự hỏi mình đang thấy những gì. Tôi đang vừa ở trong vừa ở ngoài, vừa bị mê hoặc vừa thấy kinh tởm bởi cái đa dạng khôn kiệt của cuộc đời.


Un faetón bajo con un buen par de jacas sería lo ideal.


Atticus, you’ve never laid a hand on her. I admit that. So far I’ve been able to get by with threats. Jack, she minds me as well as she can. Doesn’t come up to scratch half the time, but she tries. That’s not the answer, said Uncle Jack. No, the answer is she knows I know she tries. That’s what makes the difference.


Of course Jem antagonized me sometimes until I could kill him, but when it came down to it he was all I had.


  Thus her reply with accent sweet renewd.     If this be our condition, thus to dwell   In narrow circuit strait'nd by a Foe,   Suttle or violent, we not endu'd   Single with like defence, wherever met,   How are we happie, still in fear of harm?


When you've finished your own toilet in the morning, then it is time to attend to the toilet of your planet, just so, with the greatest care.


You can’t help what you feel, Moira once said, but you can help how you behave.


your name is like your telephone number, useful only to others; but


В последний вечер перед отъездом в Европу они с Дэзи долго сидели обнявшись и молчали. Погода была холодная, сырая, в комнате топился камин, и щеки у Дэзи разгорелись. Иногда она шевелилась в его объятиях, и он тогда слегка менял позу, чтобы ей было удобнее. Один раз он поцеловал ее темные, шелковистые волосы. Они притихли с наступлением сумерек, словно для того, чтобы этот вечер лучше запомнился им на всю долгую разлуку, которую несло с собой завтра. За месяц их любви ни разу они не были более близки, не раскрывались полней друг для друга, чем в эти минуты, когда она безмолвными губами касалась сукна мундира на его плече или когда он перебирал ее пальцы, так осторожно, словно боялся ее разбудить.


პატივმოყვარეობა მართლაც სისუსტეა, მაგრამ სიამაყეს რაც შეეხება, ჭეშმარიტად მოაზროვნე ადამიანს, მისი კონტროლი მუდამ შეუძლია


You may well warn me against such an evil. Human nature is so prone to fall into it!


never loved to read. One does not love breathing.


Coragem é sabermos que estamos perdendo a partida, mas recomeçar na mesma e avançar incondicionalmente até ao fim.


No one hated these ghost of mine, no one envied them, no one pestered them. Nor did anyone love them with the only love that matters.