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Dill and Jem emerged from a brief huddle: If you stay you’ve got to do what we tell you, Dill warned. We-ll, I said, who’s so high and mighty all of a sudden? If you don’t say you’ll do what we tell you, we ain’t gonna tell you anything, Dill continued.


– Я бы предпочёл, чтобы ты стрелял на огороде по жестянкам, но знаю, ты начнёшь бить птиц. Если сумеешь попасть в сойку, стреляй их сколько угодно, но помни: убить пересмешника большой грех.Я впервые слышала, чтоб Аттикус про что-нибудь сказал - грех, и спросила мисс Моди, почему грех.– Твой отец прав, - сказала мисс Моди. - Пересмешник - самая безобидная птица, он только поёт нам на радость. Пересмешники не клюют ягод в саду, не гнездятся в овинах, они только и делают, что поют для нас свои песни. Вот поэтому убить пересмешника - грех.


Better? I say, in a small voice. How can he think this is better? Better never means better for everyone, he says. It always means worse, for some.


they sleep, they can be startled, even there in the soothing of the heart, like waves on the shore around them. A


They were careless people, Tom and Daisy they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together


with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises


Чувствуваше се унизена и скръбна;съжаляваше, макар да не знаеше точно защо. Сега копнееше залюбовта му — сега, когато вече нямаше надежда да я има. Искаше даполучи вест от него, когато вероятността да й пише бе напълнозагубена. Уверена бе, че ще е щастлива с него, когато стана ясно, ченикога не ще се срещнат.


When Jem and I asked him why he was so old, he said he got started late, which we felt reflected upon his abilities and manliness.


When they finally saw him, why he hadn’t doneany of those things . . . Atticus, he was real nice. . . . His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me. Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.


It’s good to have small goals that can be easily attained.


But people will do anything rather than admit that their lives have no meaning. No


I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.


Her insan kendinde en az bir büyük erdem olduğuna inanır. Benimki, tanıdıklarım arasında en dürüst kişi olmamdır.


Elizabeth told her the motives of her secrecy. She had been unwilling to mention Bingley; and the unsettled state of her own feelings had made her equally avoid the name of his friend. But now she would no longer conceal from her his share in Lydia's marriage. All was acknowledged, and half the night spent in conversation.


Pemberley Woods with some perturbation;


Atticus said: Sister, when you stop to think about it, our generation’s practically the first in the Finch family not to marry its cousins. Would you say the Finches have an Incestuous Streak? Aunty said no, that’s where we got our small hands and feet.


Beautiful things floated around in his dreamy head. He could read two books to my one, but he preferred the magic of his own inventions. He could add and subtract faster than lightning, but he preferred his own twilight world, a world where babies slept, waiting to be gathered like morning lilies. He was slowly talking himself to sleep and taking me with him, but in the quietness of his foggy island there rose the faded image of a grey house with sad brown doors.


If your smart you can have lots of frends to talk to and you never get lonley by yourself all the time.


Humanity is so adaptable, my mother would say. Truly amazing, what people can get used to, as long as there are a few compensations. It


who knows what the chances are out there, of survival, yours? I will say, you, you like an old love song. You can mean more than one. You can mean thousands. I am nor in any immediate danger, I'll say to you.I'll pretend you can hear me. but it`s no good because I know you can't.