Quotes - Page 541 | Just Great DataBase

What could she have been thinking about? Not much, I guess; not back then, not at the time. She was thinking about how not to think. The times were abnormal. She


I soothe my conscience with the thought that it’s better for unkind words to be down on paper than for Mother to have to carry them around in her heart.


Derdi ki, dünyadaki evli erkeklerin yarısı homoymuş, ama kendileri bile öyle olduklarını bilmezlermiş. Eğer eğiliminiz varsa, bir gece içinde homo olabilirmişsiniz. Felaket korkuturdu bizi. Homo olacakmıyım acaba diye dertlenir dururdum.


Me divertía. Me había bebido dos lavafrutas de champagne y la escena se había convertido ante mis ojos en algo importante, elemental y profundo.


Do you think he’s, like, embarrassed of me?Ben laughed. What? No, he said.Technically, I added, you should be embarrassed of him.She rolled her eyes, smiling. A girl accustomed to compliments.


As I took those two steps back, Margo took two equally small and quiet steps forward.


allowance," by convention, and because it is felt to be the right and proper thing to love them. And in the sect — fairly large and yet unusually choice of Austenians or Janites, there would


Pero la gente cambia tanto que siempre hay en ellos algo nuevo que observar.


Si usted quiere propagar una idea ultrajantemente malvada (basada en doctrinas tradicionalmente aceptadas), su conclusión debe ser desvergonzadamente clara, pero su prueba ininteligible.     AYN RAND


You got to understand that as soon as a man goes to help somebody, he leaves himself wide open.


The things I believe can't all be true, though one of them must be. But I believe all of them, all three versions of Luke, at once and the same time. This contradictory way of believing seems to me, right now, the only way I can believe anything. Whatever the truth is, I will be ready for it.


That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets.


Ah nerede o günler, gerçekten öldüğüm zaman, şöyle aklı başında biri çıkıp beni denize filan atıverse, ne iyi olurdu. Ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar da, beni lanet bir mezara tıkmasınlar. Pazar günleri millet gelip karnınızın üstüne bir sürü çiçek filan koyacak, daha bir sürü zırvalık. Öldükten sonra çiçeği kim ne yapsın?


When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. 


Do you not want to know who has taken it? cried his wife impatiently. You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. This


A menudo lo que nos enga­ña es únicamente nuestra propia vanidad. Las mujeres nos creemos que la admiración significa más de lo que es en realidad.


(in some cases)... a good memory is unpardonable


We are doomed Whatever days are left to us, we shall spend them alone. And we have heard of the corruption of solitude. We have torn ourselves from the truth which is our brother men, and there is no road back for us. and no redemption.We know these things, but we do not care. We care for nothing on earth. We are tired.


They have no outlets now except themselves, and that's a sacrilege. There