Quotes - Page 473 | Just Great DataBase

They agreed that Mrs. Bennet should only hear of the departure of the family, without


Women fancy admiration means more than it does.


He just stood and looked at his dying mother, his heart too full for words.


This is the kind of touch they like: folk art, archaic, made by women, in their spare time, from things that have no further use. A return to traditional values. Waste not want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want? On


There's nobody in the garden. I wonder if it will rain.   Outside,


I wouldn't ask too much of her,' I ventured. 'You can't change the past.''Can't change the past?' he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!


You are going to the paper towns. And you are never coming back.


Her affections had continually been fluctuating but never without an object.


an abominable sort of conceited independence, a most country-town indifference to decorum.


Je me rappelais que mon père avait coutume de dire que le but de la vie c'est de se préparer à rester mort très longtemps.


Um homem é apenas a estratégia de uma mulher para fazer outras mulheres.


She’s smiling, a bright diminutive smile. Her eyes have come loose.


What little I've accomplished has been by the most laborious and uphill work, and I wish now I'd never relaxed or looked back - but said at the end of The Great Gatsby: 'I've found my line - from now on this comes first. This is my immediate duty - without this I am nothing.


I spy with my little eye, a great story


and they soon drew from those inquiries the full conviction that one of them at least knew what it was to love. Of the lady's sensations they remained a little in doubt; but that the gentleman was overflowing with admiration was evident enough.


Persuaded as Miss Bingley was that Darcy admired Elizabeth, this was not the best method of recommending herself; but angry people are not always wise;


The somebody you was young with and you growed old in her and she growed old in you, seeing the old coming in and it was one somebody you could hear say it don't matter and know it was the truth outen the hard world ad all a man's grief and trials.


Human beings live for only a short time, and when a man is harsh himself, and his mind knows harsh thoughts, all men pray that sufferings will befall him hereafter while he lives; and when he is dead all men make fun of him. But when a man is blameless himself, and his thoughts are blameless, the friends he has entertained carry his fame widely to all mankind, and many are they who call him excellent.