Quotes - Page 476 | Just Great DataBase

I would rather follow the plow as thrall to another man, one with no land allotted him and not much to live on, than be a king over all the perished dead.


There were marches, of course, a lot of women and some men.


him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not


No me supone ningún sacrificio aceptar ocasionalmente compromisos para la noche. Todos nos debemos a la sociedad, y confieso que soy de los que consideran que los intervalos de recreo y esparcimiento son recomendables para todo el mundo" - Mary


the idea; but, recovering herself, said in a lively tone, "And pray, what is the usual price of an earl's younger son? Unless the elder brother is very sickly, I suppose you would not ask above fifty thousand pounds." He answered her in the same style, and the subject dropped. To interrupt a silence which might make him fancy her affected with what had passed, she soon afterwards said:


Let the dead bury the dead this time, Mr. Finch. Let the dead bury the dead.


E eu disse: "É por orgulho que você quer julgar o pecado e a salvação em lugar do Senhor. É nosso fado mortal sofrer e elevar nossas vozes em Seu louvor, pois Ele é que julga o pecado e oferece a salvação mediante provações e atribulações, desde o princípio dos séculos amém. Não, você não pode julgar, sobretudo agora depois que o Irmão Whitfield, um santo homem que respira o hálito de Deus, orou por você e lutou como nenhum outro poderia lutar, a não ser ele", eu disse. Porque não nos compete julgar nossos pecados ou saber o que é pecado aos olhos do Senhor. Ela tem tido uma vida atormentada, mas assim é a vida das mulheres. Mas a gente pensaria, pela maneira como ela falava, que sabia mais acerca de pecado e salvação do que o próprio Deus Nosso Senhor, do que os que trabalham e lutam para tirar o pecado deste mundo dos homens.


stood for a while and looked about him, but when he had looked long enough he crossed the threshold and went within the precincts of the house. There he found all the chief people among the Phaeacians making their drink offerings to Mercury, which they always did the last thing before going away for the night. 61 He went straight through the court, still hidden by the cloak of darkness in which Minerva had enveloped him, till he reached Arete and King Alcinous; then he laid his hands upon the knees of the queen, and at that moment the miraculous darkness fell away from him and


Buttered, I lie on my single bed, flat, like a piece of toast. I


He smiles. The smile is not sinister or predatory. It's merely a smile, a formal kind of smile, friendly but a little distant, as if I'm a kitten in a window. One he's looking at but doesn't intend to buy. I


Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter -tomorrow we will run faster, stetch out our arms further...And one fine morning-So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


When I got here, I did get bored...I got more and more nervous here too, not knowing anybody. And I kept waiting for that loneliness and nervousness to make me want to go back. But it never did. It's the one thing I can't do.


Sono poche le persone che io amo per davvero e ancora meno quelle delle quali io penso bene. Più conosco il mondo, più ne sono disgustata; e ogni giorno conferma la mia convinzione dell'incoerenza del carattere umano, e della poca fiducia che possiamo riporre in tutto ciò che può apparire merito o intelligenza.


Son muy pocas personas a las que quiero de verdad, y todavía menos aquéllas de las que tengo buena opinión.


I learned more about the poor Mrunas’ social life from listening to Mrs. Merriweather: they had so little sense of family that the whole tribe was one big family.


Of all creatures that breathe and walk on the earth there is nothing more helpless than a man is, of all that the earth fosters; for he thinks that he will never suffer misfortune in future days, while the gods grant him courage, and his knees have spring in them. But when the blessed gods bring sad days upon him, against his will he must suffer it with enduring spirit.


Nada muda instantaneamente: numa banheira que se aquece gradualmente, você seria fervida até a morte antes de se dar conta.


I sit in my chair, the wreath on the ceiling floating above my head, like a frozen halo, a zero. A hole in space where a star exploded. A ring, on water, where a stone's been thrown. All things white and circular. I wait for the day to unroll, for the earth to turn, according to the round face of the implacable clock. The geometrical days, which go around and around, smoothly and oiled. Sweat already on my upper lip, I wait, for the arrival of the inevitable egg, which will be lukewarm like the room and will have a green film on the yolk and will taste faintly of sulphur.   Today,


So he waited, listening for a moment loner to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.