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After days and nights of incredible labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter.


for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which


Вышло так, что у Гэтсби не оказалось в наличии близких, кроме меня. С той минуты, как я позвонил в поселок Уэст-Эгг и сообщил о несчастье, любые догадки, любые практические вопросы, требовавшие решения, – все адресовалось мне. Сначала меня это удивляло и смущало; но время шло, и от того, что Гэтсби лежал там, в своем доме, не двигался, не дышал и не говорил, во мне постепенно росло чувство ответственности, – ведь больше никто не интересовался им, я хочу сказать – не испытывал того пристального, личного интереса, на который каждый из нас имеет какое-то право под конец.


said her husband; "it is a person whom I never saw in the whole course


There is nothing more deceitful...than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes and indirect boast.


The Radleys, welcome anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb. They


When we think of the past it's the beautiful things we pick out. We


What’s dangerous in the hands of the multitudes, he said, with what may or may not have been irony, is safe enough for those whose motives are . . . Beyond reproach, I said. He


You should know, Sancho, that a man is not worth more than any other if he does not do more than any other.


Se les dio otro trabajo, el de custodios de la paz de nuestras mentes, el centro de nuestro comprensible y recto temor a ser inferiores. El bombero se transformó en censor, juez y ejecutor oficial.


Ma viene poi il momento in cui il dolore, più che una necessità, è un lusso, e il sorriso che gioca sulle labbra non viene bandito, anche se può essere considerato sacrilego.


Sonrió comprensivamente. mucho más que comprensivamente. Era una de esas raras sonrisas, con una calidad de eterna confianza, de esas que en toda la vida no se encuentran más que cuatro o cinco veces. Parecía contemplar por un instante el universo entero y después se concentraba en uno con irresistible parcialidad; lo comprendía a uno hasta el límite en que uno deseaba ser comprendido.


Thirty—the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning briefcase of enthusiasm, thinning hair. But


College: getting in or not getting in. Trouble: getting in or not getting in. School: getting A’s or getting D’s. Career: having or not having. House: big or small, owning or renting. Money: having or not having. It’s all so boring.


her to look at a picture. She approached and saw the likeness of Mr. Wickham, suspended, amongst several other miniatures,


Con los Gardiner estuvieron siempre los Darcy en la más íntima relación. Darcy, lo mismo que Elizabeth, les quería de veras; ambos sentían la más ardiente gratitud por las personas que, al llevar a Elizabeth a Derbyshire, habían sido las causantes de su unión.


Matad todos los arrendajos azules que queráis, pero recordad que matar a un ruiseñor es pecado. (...) Los ruiseñores sólo se dedican a cantar para alegrarnos. No estropean los huertos, no anidan en los arcones del maíz, no hacen nada más que derramar su corazón, cantando para nuestro deleite. Por eso es pecado matar un ruiseñor.


Я хотел, чтобы ты кое-что в ней понял, хотел, чтобы ты увидел подлинное мужество, а не воображал, будто мужество - это когда у человека в руках ружье. Мужество - это когда заранее знаешь, что ты проиграл, и всё-таки берёшься за дело и наперекор всему на свете идёшь до конца. Побеждаешь очень редко, но иногда всё-таки побеждаешь. Миссис Дюбоз победила. По её воззрениям, она умерла, ничем никому и ничему не обязанная. Я никогда не встречал человека столь мужественного.


Still, it must be hell, to be a man, like that. It must be just fine. It must be hell. It must be very silent.


There were marches, of course, a lot of women and some men. But they were smaller than you might have thought. I guess people were scared. And when it was known that the police, or the army, or whoever they were, would open fire almost as soon as any of the marches even started, the marches stopped. A few things were blown up, post offices, subway stations. But you couldn't even be sure who was doing it. It could have been the army, to justify the computer searches and the other ones, the door-to-doors.