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pero a veces la Biblia en manos de un hombre determinado es peor que una botella de whisky en las de..., oh, de tu padre. Me


I can remember how when I was young I believed death to be a phenomenon of the body; now I know it to be merely a function of the mind—and that of the minds of the ones who suffer the bereavement. The nihilists say it is the end; the fundamentalists, the beginning; when in reality it is no more than a single tenant or family moving out of a tenement or town.


also may be untrue. One of the gravestones in the cemetery near the earliest church has an anchor on it and an hourglass, and the words In Hope. In Hope. Why did they put that above a dead person? Was it the corpse hoping, or those still alive? Does Luke hope?


Mejor nunca significa mejor para todos, comenta. Para algunos siempre es peor. Me


And that, put in the Director sententiously, that is the secret of happiness and virtue—liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny. In


You two start on home, Daisy,' said Tom. 'In Mr Gatsby's car.' She looked at Tom, alarmed now, but he insisted with magnanimous scorn. 'Go on. He won't annoy you. I think he realises that his presumptuous little flirtation is over.


at some point, you gotta stop looking up at the sky, or one of these days you’ll look back down and see that you floated away, too.


His character was decided. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again.


He addressed himself to Miss Bennet, with a polite congratulation; Mr. Hurst also made her a slight bow, and said he was "very glad;" but diffuseness and warmth remained for Bingley's salutation.


It’s not necessary to tell all you know. It’s not ladylike—in the second place, folks don’t like to have somebody around knowin’ more than they do. It aggravates ’em. You’re not gonna change any of them by talkin’ right, they’ve got to want to learn themselves, and when they don’t want to learn there’s nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.


I made it on the bevel.


Context is all; or is it ripeness? One or the other.   The


A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about. - F Scott Fitzgerald,


Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail.


...and, perhaps, if I have very good luck, I may meet with another Mr. Collins in time.


Las personas que como yo padecen de los nervios no tienen muchas ganas de hablar. ¡Nadie imagina mi sufrimiento! Pero siempre ha sido igual. Si uno no se queja, nadie le compadece.


Besides making change in the collection plate every Sunday, Mr. Avery sat on the porch every night until nine o’clock and sneezed.


You know, that might be the answer—to act boastfully about something we ought to be ashamed of. That’s a trick that never seems to fail.


Meet Mrs. Bundren


That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.