Quotes - Page 537 | Just Great DataBase

no one else could be benefited by such a belief as this; for were I persuaded that Charlotte had any regard for him, I should only think worse of her understanding than I now


Darcy was continually giving offense.


Изведнъж осъзнахме, че това място е останало от Времената, За Които Не Бива Да Се Говори. Значи беше истина — тези времена бяха съществували, както и всички техни чудеса. Преди десетки стотици години хората са знаели тайни, които ние сме изгубили. И тогава си помислихме: „Това място е лошо. Проклети са онези, които докоснат неща от Времената, За Които Не Бива Да Се Говори. Но докато влизахме, ръката ни следваше релсата, вкопчена в желязото, сякаш не искаше да го пусне, сякаш кожата беше жадна и молеше метала да прелее в нея от тайната течност, пулсираща в студеното му тяло.


Soothing to the eye, the eyes, the Eyes, for that's who this show is for. We're


Phoebe'ye "Little Shirley Beans" adlı plağı almak istiyordum. Çok zor bulunan bir plaktı. Plak, iki ön dişi düştüğü için çok utandığından evinden dışarı çıkmayan küçük bir kız çocuğu hakkındaydı.


Me desperté de la anestesia con una sensación de profundo abandono, y le pregunté a la enfermera si era niño o niña. Me dijo que era una niña, y volví la cabeza y me eché a llorar. «Estupendo», dije, «me alegra que sea una niña. Y espero que sea tonta. Es lo mejor que en este mundo puede ser una chica: una tontita preciosa».


There are so many people. It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.


My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?" Mr. Bennet


You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.


The fact is, that you were sick of civility, of deference, of officious attention. You were disgusted with the women who were always speaking, and looking, and thinking for your approbation alone.


I am. I think. I will.... What must I say besides? These are the words. This is the answer.


The flower coughed. But it was not because she had a cold


Below there are cyclists, lorries, men; it is a grey street and a grey subway;—it affects me as though it were my mother.


I am like a room where things once happened and now nothing does, except the pollen of the weeds that grow up outside the window, blowing in as dust across the floor.   Here


La mayoría de las chicas a las que les coges la mano dejan la mano como muerta o creen que tienen que moverla todo el rato porque piensan que si no vas a aburrirte todo el rato o algo así.


Gatsby credeva nella luce verde, nel futuro orgastico che anno dopo anno si ritira davanti a noi. Ieri c'è sfuggito, ma non importa: domani correremo più forte, allungheremo di più le braccia ... e un bel mattino... Così continuiamo a remare, barche contro corrente, risospinti senza posa nel passato.


I have nothing but very sad associations with the Old and rotting World. No colored ads in your magazines will change the situation.’ ‘My


Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will, she says.


Darcy, "of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done." "My fingers," said Elizabeth, "do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault—because I will not take the trouble of practising. It is not that I do not believe my fingers as capable as any other woman's of superior execution." Darcy smiled and said, "You are perfectly right. You have employed your time much better. No one admitted to the privilege of hearing you can think anything wanting. We neither of us perform to strangers." Here


However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.