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enough to tempt me; I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by


under the live oaks on the square. Attentive critics of courthouse business, Atticus said


Mr. Tate. He’s good and dead. He won’t hurt these children again.


The day was cloudy. I passed through towns with familiar last names, through the pine forests and down to the prairie, and then to Vietnam, where I was a soldier, and then home again. I survived, but it's not a happy ending. I was a coward. I went to the war.


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. I


When we think of the past it’s the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that. The


I was crazy about The Great Gatsby. Old Gatsby. Old sport. That killed me.


It's just a crazy old thing. I just slip it on sometimes when I don't care what I look like.


I felt that way not because I never once discovered any palpable hard young throat to crush among the masculine mutes that flickered somewhere in the background; but because it was to me "overwhelmingly obvious" (a favorite expression with my aunt Sybil) that all varieties of high school boys - from the perspiring nincompoop whom "holding hands" thrills, to the self-sufficient rapist with pustules and a souped-up car - equally bored my sophisticated young mistress.


no estoy hecha a pasar sinsabores.


but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement.


Yet among all the distractions and diversions of a planet which now seemed well on the way to becoming one vast playground, there were some who still found time to repeat an ancient and never-answered question:Where do we go from here?


Though you can guess what temperance should be,You know not what it is


I will that women adorn themselves in modest apparel," he says, "with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; "But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection." Here he looks us over. "All," he repeats. "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. "Notwithstanding she shall be saved by childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." Saved


What I need is perspective.(...)Otherwise you live in the moment. Which is not where I want to be.


That’s all right with me, I like changes.


The Russian technique for infecting water supplies was particularly ingenious. Back


نمیخوام بگم که فقط آدم های تحصیل کرده و با سواد میتوانند چیزهای با ارزشی را به جهان عرضه کنند . همیشه اینطوری نیست . اما معتقدم افراد تحصیلکرده و باسواد ، اگر باهوش و خلاق باشند - که متاسقانه به ندرت این جوری هستند - نسبت به آن هایی که صرفا باهوش و خلاق هستند آثار با ارزش تری از خودشون به جا میگذارند . آن ها میتوانند حرف هایشان را روشن تر بیان کنند و معمولا مشتاقند افکارشان را تا آخر دنبال کنند . مهمتر از همه ، از هر ده نفر ، نه نفرشان نسبت به متفکرین تحصیل نکرده تواضع و فروتنی بیشتری دارند .


Und während ich so dasaß und jener alten, unbekannten Welt nachgrübelte, dachte ich an das Wunder, dem Gatsby sich gegenübersah, als er zum ersten Mal das grüne Licht am Ende von Daisys Pier erkannte. Er hatte einen langen Weg hinter sich bis zu diesem blauen Rasen, und sein Traum muss ihm so nah erschienen sein, dass er nur noch danach zu greifen brauchte. Er wusste nicht, dass er bereits hinter ihm lag, irgendwo inmitten des unermesslichen Dunkels jenseits der Stadt, wo sich die düsteren Felder des Landes unter dem Nachthimmel sich dehnten.Gatsby glaubte an das grüne Licht, an die verheißungsvolle Zukunft, die Jahr für Jahr vor uns zurückweicht. Gestern noch ist sie uns entkommen, aber was macht das schon - morgen laufen wir schneller, strecken die Arme noch weiter aus... Und eines herrlichen Morgens ...So legen wir uns in die Riemen, rudern gegen den Strom, und fortwährend zieht es uns zurück in die Vergangenheit.


My habit of being silent when displeased, or, more exactly, the cold and scaly quality of my displeased silence, used to frighten Valeria out of her wits. She used to whimper and wail, saying ‘Ce qui me rend folle, c’est que je ne sais à quoi tu penses quand tu es comme ça.’ I tried being silent with Charlotte – and she just chirped on, or chucked my silence under the chin. An astonishing woman!