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hearing it." This was invitation enough. "Why, my dear, you


Haz cualquier cosa menos casarte sin amor. ¿Estás absolutamente segura de que sientes lo que debe sentirse?


Єдине, що не підлягає закону більшості, - це власна совість.


Well, most folks seem to think they’re right and you’re wrong. . . . They’re certainly entitled to think that, and they’re entitled to full respect for their opinions, said Atticus, but before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.


Well, maybe it is true," Clevinger conceded unwillingly in a subded tone. "Maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it's to seem long. But in that event, who wants one?""I do," Dunbar told him."Why?" Clevinger asked."What else is there?


The Opinions Expressed In This Book Are Not Those Of The Author.


Whatever is silenced will clamor to be heard, though silently. A


But people will do anything rather than admit that their lives have no meaning.


if ever by some unlucky chance such a crevice of time should yawn in the solid substance of their distractions, there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon;


Yeah?" Stradlater said. That really interested him. About the booze hound running around the house naked, with Jane around. Stradlater was a very sexy bastard."She had a lousy childhood. I'm not kidding."That didn't interest Stradlater, though. Only very sexy stuff interested him.


I never care what I do, so I always have a good time.


Lydia was Lydia still; untamed, unabashed, wild, noisy, and fearless.


and indeed, if the weather should happen to be cool, I should not object to taking you both, as you are neither of you large." "You


Nu ştiu cum, dar au făcut-o. Au făcut-o şi înainte, au făcut-o astă-searăşi au s-o mai facă, şi când fac una ca asta...se pare că numai copiii plâng.


anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection


How did I get here? Somebody pushed me. Somebody must have set me off in this direction and clusters of other hands must have touched themselves to the controls at various times, for I would not have picked this way for the world.


Who does i'the wars more than his captain canBecomes his captain's captain: and ambition,The soldier's virtue, rather makes choice of loss,Than gain which darkens him.


There is a silence. But sometimes it's as dangerous not to speak. "Yes, we are very happy," I murmur. I have to say something. What else can I say?


Podríamos convocar a Eurídice desde el mundo de los muertos, pero no podríamos lograr que respondiera; y cuando nos giramos para mirarla, la divisamos sólo un momento, antes de que se nos deslice de las manos y se desvanezca. Como todos los historiadores sabemos, el pasado es una gran tiniebla llena de resonancias. Desde ellas pueden llegarnos algunas voces; pero lo que nos dicen está imbuido de la oscuridad de la matriz de la cual salen. Y por mucho que lo intentemos, no siempre podemos descifrarlas e iluminarlas con la luz prístina de nuestro propio tiempo.


Ainult mulle tundub, et tihti inimene ei tea algul isegi, mis teda huvitab, ja avastab selle alles kõneldes millestki, mis teda eriti ei huvita. Sinna ei ole midagi parata. Sellepärast ma arvan, et inimene jäetagu rahule, kui ta on vähemalt millestki huvitatud ja kõneldes põlema läheb. Mulle meeldib, kui keegi põlema läheb. See on nii kena.