Local Marketing: Tactics and Types

Local marketing has long become an organic part of our everyday life. Many of us are much easier to use the services offered by local companies than to spend time searching for similar ones on the Internet. But even the latter in the first place gives out a local resource.

People like to create their own so-called “mental maps” with favorite pastry shops and stores. So there are shopping habits that are difficult to change in the future. But life does not stand still, and many companies are closing. Therefore, new firms should work hard and properly to get into the updated “mental maps” of local residents.

What Is Local Marketing?

Local marketing means the way to improve a company's website or its advertising in order to raise awareness about it in localized regions. It is often viewed as a targeted micro-tactic, used by small-sized firms with a limited budget. Their messages are addressed to specific citizens, not to the mass market. Such outfits pedantically work for reputation, trying not only to increase profits but also to gain confidence.

The marketing team’s efforts focus on attracting new customers to a particular physical object. Typically, similar consumers live within a radius of 10-12 miles and often visit the designated area. The use of local marketing strategies allows the company to form a broad customer base directly near the facility. In this case, a radius of influence could be reduced from the standard one to the scale of the urban quarter with a high population density.

The target with local marketing is not to cover all people in a specific space. Even an aspiring businessman knows the core of his or her target audience. The owner of a cafe with a vegetarian menu is unlikely to count on the interest of meat eaters, like a restaurant that works, say, only in the morning and serves breakfast exclusively. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to segment the market of local customers. This will allow the company to specify a strategy of a marketing campaign, as well as advertising messages.

Types of Local Marketing

Experts advise developing clear criteria for determining effectiveness. This technique will help a firm to invest in truly resulting media resources and abandon those ones that do not bring success. Among the varieties of local marketing are the following:

  • Advertising covers consumers who are physically present in the outlined space. For this purpose, it is used local authorities or respectful media.
  • Sourcing includes finding partners to provide a specific type of services or components at the local level.
  • Production must meet the community’s needs. For example, a store near the hospital cannot sell scarves or gloves.
  • Positioning involves the development of an original image among competitors.
  • The allocation of resources includes the creation of an effective partner network with local enterprises. For local business, it's pointless to pay for national advertising, given the proximity of your customers. Therefore, in advance refuse from large-scale actions and concentrate efforts on concrete factors, i.e. age, an income of residents to obtain high profits.

Benefit from Local Marketing

So, the benefits of local marketing are:

  • Maximum use of home resources
  • Comparative cost savings
  • Establishing strong social relationships with customers
  • Formation of a basis for long-term business
  • Reciprocal communication with clients
  • The flexibility in adjusting the strategy

Proven Local Marketing Tactics

Search engines a priori support local entrepreneurs. Let's look at ways to increase conversions for your business.

  • Rethinking values. According to the results of the research, the majority of clients believe that small-sized companies differ from large-scale ones by the qualitative approach to business, reliability and customer orientation. This means that your firm if desired could change its value scale for better positioning of the brand in a certain geographical area.

Local business does not forget that it serves people. National corporations are often guided only by the amount of profit. Look at your brand and objectively assess how it fits your potential audience. In particular, is it friendly to consumers? The use of personalization reception, as a rule, improves the image.

  • Website optimization. To attract online customers, you should, first of all, determine the local keywords for your business activities. They have to be not only memorable but also concrete. For instance, when trying to get into the store, consumers often look for their contact information, such as phone number, location, as well as directions of the routes. That's why experts advise placing such data on the company's website and social networks.
  • An attraction of residents. Today, through social networks, it is easy enough to find people from one city or state. Of course, social platforms have a high speed of customer service and a reaction to their claims. But this is not the only way to “local” approach. You may demonstrate your commitment to locative traditions or an interest in solving actual problems by publishing a relevant post or comment. Also, focus your attention on local shopping centers or stores with a good reputation. They could be used as a guide to facilitate the search for your place by respondents.
  • Establishing of feedback. Many consumers often rely on online surveys as the primary source for evaluating a local store. A similar approach is also applied by national brands. Although a significant share of customers who distrust such publications remains, believing that reviews are all paid.
  • Localize your ads. The more you speak the “home dialect”, the more susceptible local residents will be to your messages. If you received information about an important event in the region, share it on the company page. But do not get carried away with jargon, as many consumers consider it annoying.
  • Financing of a domestic event. The goal of local marketing ideas is to stay in sight of the audience. Even with a physical absence in the region, you still must be a component of its life. This is a rather difficult task if you plan to cover half of the country, but a perfectly acceptable aim for two or three areas.
  • Publication of local materials. Increasing the number of backlinks to your company's website leads to an improvement in its reputation. The scheme is quite simple: search engines view your site as trustworthy, as authoritative domains refer to it. But if you are going to strengthen the relationship with customers, use local publications relevant to your activities. Find a unique perspective for representing your firm.

Why Should Firms Use Local Marketing Research Companies?

Local firms usually are not able to compete on an equal footing with large corporations. A purposeful local marketing strategy serves precisely to inform residents about the presence of local business representatives in their area. At the same time, such information could be disseminated both through rumors or online advertising.

If your opportunities in an unfamiliar city are still limited, try to enlist the support of local companies. On the one hand, it will save money, on the other hand, improve your reputation. Partners may set your flyers in places of large crowds of people or provide part of their space for an advertising campaign.

Do not forget about business cards. You could give them away, getting to know new people or getting involved in another project. In any case, an individual may refer to you and your business if such a step is necessary.

Thus, local marketing is a means of survival for small companies trying to occupy their market niche. It involves investing not only money but time and emotion in building trust with customers. Perhaps they will not reach the national channels but will be appreciated by the local community.